Yes my logs were good - I wish I could post them but it doesn't work
I was tuning at 60-70deg. for 12.1 a/f; after some tuning I was never more than 1 a/f point away from that.
Though it is has been said a few times, I will say it again that the plug length is not a fault for what happned here. I think it is more that they were the stock heat range running 10psi w/o WM. You said above that your would run 12.1 +- 1. That could mean you would run 13.1 at 10psi at 5400rpm. That does not sound too good. I run very conservative at low 11's at WOT. If I even see a 12 I get concerned. I have never had detonation at 10psi.
How do you have your WB's set up? 0V=10 and 5V=18? From some of your posts it looks like you are getting 7-8 and 22 af readings. I believe those are out of range for the LC-1. I also have 2, but I have them in my special loctions and not DY's.

With WB's you can tune a ROE without a shop. Shops can and often do make mistakes just like anyone else. Those who think that shops are incapable of mistakes are in for some disappointment. I am glad that Bottlefed has posted his experience as we all can learn from it. Please keep us posted as this could happen to anyone and is no fun if it does.
Why would anyone wish someone to break? That is a pretty crappying thing to do.