A new ACR just sold here in in WA for INVOICE !!!
I hear the term "invoice" used quite a bit but I have no idea what invoice is on a new ACR or any new car for that matter. Is it 10% off sticker? 15%??
A new ACR just sold here in in WA for INVOICE !!!
i have a 08 Orange/Black ******** if anyone is interested. 5 delivery miles, under cover. I do not need to sell, just trying to help my viper brothers/sisters...
Call Jared at Palmer and ask him directly, but I assume its close to 8% less than MSRP.
always wondered why I never saw the red/black/red with the red two tone interior... I like the two tone interior, but wouldn't sacrifice the mean ACR look for it....
on the acr I have it has a sticker of 105660. Invoice is around 96 (can't recall off top of my head). We are selling it for 93,500. That is white withblack center, premium interior, protection group.
I would not and did not sacrifice that mean ACR look either, I just ordered my ACR with dual stripes and then was able to order the two tone red and black interior. And it turned out to be one of three as well.
As you can see from the color chart the only cars denied the two tone interiors were the red and black driver stripe cars (left column). Dual stripes and two tone interiors were available on all other combinations.
A new ACR just sold here in in WA for INVOICE !!! They are around, and savvy dealers can FIND em.
Correct me if I am wrong but the single red stripe ACR has the matching "stripe" on the steering wheel and the dual red stripe car does not. So it makes sense that a two tone interior would not be allowed with the red "stripe" on the steering wheel. It would negatively alter the design integrity of the vehicle. The same goes for the single black stripe car.
Correct me if I am wrong but the single red stripe ACR has the matching "stripe" on the steering wheel and the dual red stripe car does not. So it makes sense that a two tone interior would not be allowed with the red "stripe" on the steering wheel. It would negatively alter the design integrity of the vehicle. The same goes for the single black stripe car.
I think it does, at first glance it looks like the other black/red vipers with same paint scheme....
Why would additional red trim in the passenger compartment alter the design integrity?
So you have the red trim on the wheel under the dash, on the console and on the doors. I think it would have enhanced it. It certainly was not a problem on the mambas.
Jared, why are you posting at almost 3:00 am, did you tie one on last night or are you just busy trying to sell cars? Steve
Why would additional red trim in the passenger compartment alter the design integrity?
So you have the red trim on the wheel under the dash, on the console and on the doors. I think it would have enhanced it. It certainly was not a problem on the mambas.
FYI I called prefix and they are releasing a ACR kit to upfit non-ACRs with all the carbon fiber goodies. If bought from Mopar would be around 40k but now are in the teens or low twenties. Alot still but perfect for some. They can come painted or woven web. They also make a shorter rear spoiler that is more cost effective.