Hey guys,
This is going to be a little unpopular but,
let's get a couple of things straight here.
I've done some stock car racing, small time, no big thing.
However, I was one of the division champions at a high bank oval in Southern Md in 1992, one or two races a week, 27 nights a year. I did it for five years.
You may not think stock car racing is a big deal and I'm the first to agree that it isn't anything like wheel to wheel Viper racing.
But it is real racing.
You guys who take your Vipers out in some kind of driving school or agreed on passing thing,
You guys are going to have to come up with some other name for it.
Because when you say,
That sounds like you race it and you don't.
Let's stop all this crap.
Why don't you say you "school" your car.
How about I "open day" my car.
Because when you say you "track" your car, someone might confuse you with a racer.
I know you drive fast and take real fast corners one after another but that's what they do on the days when the track isn't being used for racing.
If you are not racing please come up with something other than "track my car".
If you are a racer, this isn't for you.