what parts, may be pixie dust?Must have been a Flood car... parts only
I'm sure it was a car ordered to be destroyed by a judge. In CA, if your caught street racing, thats what they can do to your car.
The excavator operator is a corvette owner. You can tell by the grin when he was riding over it back and forth
Looks like a vindictive ex wife at work here.
Got the car In the settlement and had it crushed for spite.
Like Tiger's ex with the house but on a smaller scale.
California? The lanscape is like more Mongolia or Siberia. I got cold just watching had to go get my Russian furhat
The excavator operator is a corvette owner. You can tell by the grin when he was riding over it back and forth
.........Wouldn't care if it was an R/T, but a GTS in what looks to be black in color, damn shame.