How much weight does it add?ESC only adds more weight and the Viper needs less not more weight. Its a good safety feature for many cars though.
I am sitting @ Featherstone Road right now - no more FREC -all moved into main bldgs.
PIcked up our ACR this morning. Let's leave the car what it was meant to be - there are enough cars in the nanified ranks as it is. RIght now - the Viper has no peers.
As it should be.
Most people have no idea what that means.
Let me see if I have the argument correctly:
Traction control, stability control, etc = more weight (although the option to turn it off would negate any other negatives and would expand the owner base)
Viper = 3450 pounds, yet does not have any of the above
It seems to me the weight of the vehicle has little to do with the presence of traction or stability control.
It also seems to me there are certain individuals who take an overly strong pride in driving a "real mans" car that is not meant for the masses. A real drivers car that was never meant for the average driver, but an exclusive club.
I don't know how you people cannot see that that position equals surefire death for this marquee. But hey, if the ability to someday say you owned one back in the day and were part of this exclusive club means more to you than the survival of the marquee, perhaps some actual lives, and this VERY CLUB...well, have at it!
Let me see if I have the argument correctly:
Traction control, stability control, etc = more weight (although the option to turn it off would negate any other negatives and would expand the owner base)
Viper = 3450 pounds, yet does not have any of the above
It seems to me the weight of the vehicle has little to do with the presence of traction or stability control.
It also seems to me there are certain individuals who take an overly strong pride in driving a "real mans" car that is not meant for the masses. A real drivers car that was never meant for the average driver, but an exclusive club.
I don't know how you people cannot see that that position equals surefire death for this marquee. But hey, if the ability to someday say you owned one back in the day and were part of this exclusive club means more to you than the survival of the marquee, perhaps some actual lives, and this VERY CLUB...well, have at it!
I don't know how you people cannot see that that position equals surefire death for this marquee.
grunt grunt...Riiiiiiiight. Like building a 488 cid Viper with no door handles, no windows, no top, no A/C. That was 1992 and none of that crap made a bit of difference. And now we are going to have a 20th anniversary Viper. Hopefully it will be stripped bare bones.
If you want a surfire death to this marquee make it just like every other marquee and put all that nanny crap on it.
How many of you still only watch black and white TV? or read by candle light? or communicate using smoke signals? Give me a break, everyone uses modern technology. We don't sit here and say I'm not going to watch my flat screen HD TV because that's not the way we did it in the old days. Why are we even using computers to communicate, why don't we just phone each other? Better yet let's use one of those old party lines so we could speak to each other at the same time. Please Mr. Edison don't invent the light bulb, we'd rather sit in the dark. President Kennedy we don't need to go to the moon let's just sit here and wonder what it would be like. Carroll Shelby you don't need a heart transplant, just kick the bucket like they used to do in the old days.
Technology marches on and if we don't accept it we will continue to live in the past.
Better yet let's use one of those old party lines so we could speak to each other at the same time.
i spoke on a party line once......back in the day![]()
How many of you still only watch black and white TV? or read by candle light? or communicate using smoke signals? Give me a break, everyone uses modern technology. We don't sit here and say I'm not going to watch my flat screen HD TV because that's not the way we did it in the old days. Why are we even using computers to communicate, why don't we just phone each other? Better yet let's use one of those old party lines so we could speak to each other at the same time. Please Mr. Edison don't invent the light bulb, we'd rather sit in the dark. President Kennedy we don't need to go to the moon let's just sit here and wonder what it would be like. Carroll Shelby you don't need a heart transplant, just kick the bucket like they used to do in the old days.
Technology marches on and if we don't accept it we will continue to live in the past.
So... let me get this straight:
actually... the response was for mr. candlelightwf
my "back in the day" comment was a ref to how old i amand the experience (even then they were hard to find), not that old tech is inferior and nanny tech is superior (i guess i'm funnier in my head than on paper)
nanny tech has its place in some cars, but imho not in a viper, if dodge wants a nanny tech super car make it new, maybe named gecko
as i've said before,
old isn't better
new isn't better
better is better
good response btw
How many of you still only watch black and white TV? or read by candle light? or communicate using smoke signals? Give me a break, everyone uses modern technology. We don't sit here and say I'm not going to watch my flat screen HD TV because that's not the way we did it in the old days. Why are we even using computers to communicate, why don't we just phone each other? Better yet let's use one of those old party lines so we could speak to each other at the same time. Please Mr. Edison don't invent the light bulb, we'd rather sit in the dark. President Kennedy we don't need to go to the moon let's just sit here and wonder what it would be like. Carroll Shelby you don't need a heart transplant, just kick the bucket like they used to do in the old days.
Technology marches on and if we don't accept it we will continue to live in the past.
So when are you removing the power steering and power brakes from your Viper?Driving a sports car is supposed to be a sport. And sports are supposed to be an activity where one enjoys the pursuit of practice and tuning their skill so they can get better at their sport.
I suppose for you nanny types you'd love to be equipped with a bionic arm so you could effortlessly throw a football 90 yards on a dime or hit a tennis ball 170mph. But for purists that bionic arm takes away the thrill and reward from working at becoming better. And no matter how good that bionic arm would be, I'd still be more impressed with John Elway's throwing ability.
So when are you removing the power steering and power brakes from your Viper?
So when are you removing the power steering and power brakes from your Viper?
Look none of you will convince me that staying in the past is a good idea.
You can scream and stomp and pound fists demanding all the electric gizmos invented by man on your new Viper and I will NEVER, EVER agree with you.