Wife won't let me get a Viper


Oct 2, 2000
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Sooooo you only have 1 car in your family??? If she has a car, why can't you get yours?


Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
That is why I bought my Viper before engagement or marriage. But, my girlfriend wants a big money ring because she says "You got what you always wanted." :D I guess I am screwed anyways. Oh well.


She is, of course, right. I'm impressed that there are still people out there that can keep their balance and help someone like you make the right decision. It isn't an easy message to get across, it takes a patient and deliberate voice to broach a subject like this and help you work it through. My guess is that one of the reasons you can actually afford to get a car like a Viper now is because she has done her part at saving money and making thoughtful and timely decisions. I congratulate you. Has she told you its now time for you to get fixed? She will and you should listen, take the time to talk it through while you still have a deep voice...Your a lucky man, I salute you!
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Jul 18, 2007
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Explaining Viper things to you
She is, of course, right. I'm impressed that there are still people out there that can keep their balance and help someone like you make the right decision. It isn't an easy message to get across, it takes a patient and deliberate voice to broach a subject like this and help you work it through. My guess is that one of the reasons you can actually afford to get a car like a Viper now is because she has done her part at saving money and making thoughtful and timely decisions. I congratulate you. Has she told you its now time for you to get fixed? She will and you should listen, take the time to talk it through while you still have a deep voice...Your a lucky man, I salute you!

Nice... Shoot her. Buy the car. Have one of the pallbearers drive you in it.


Apr 16, 2007
Reaction score
:eater: We can only speak for ourselves in a situation like this, so here's my 2 cents. Mine is a similar situation. I told my wife in 02 I was "gonna get a Viper". Answer was of course "WE DON'T NEED A CAR LIKE THAT". And she was right about that, from her view point. The thing is though, she isn't a "car guy". She wasn't and didn't pay a dime towards it, hasn't so much as sat in it in the year i've owned it. I did, however, buy her the new car of her choice 2 months before I found the Viper. A guy at work found the Viper and told me where it was. I went to look - and bought it that evening after work. I was nervous as could be, and when she called me on my cell asking me where I was I told her what I was doing. I had prept. this woman for almost 5 years. It was about 3 weeks before she spoke to me again. She's right about one thing, it was selfish of me, but what she still doesn't probably fully comprehend about it all is that it took the Viper to satisfy me "carwise". I could have bought a new vet, it was a cash deal for me either way because i'd been saving up, and, If I had bought a new vet she wouldn't have been upset. But, for me, I wanted and still want, a now 6 year old Viper over a new vet. It's that special to me. I don't have to brag about it or show it off, it does that all by itself because of what it is. One thing though, I don't put my enjoyment of the Viper before things she wants to do. Consequently, I don't drive it as much as I might otherwise, but I have both the Viper and the marriage. And, I think somehow she respects me for standing up for myself.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
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I've enjoyed reading this thread! I bought a "practical" supercar first (92 Dodge Stealth R/T TT). My wife, Deana, had an ****** wagon when we met. She came home from shopping with a Ford Escape one day, lol. She warned me and then she did it. I told her it was a great improvement. She'd almost been squished by a Semi while shopping so she bought an SUV that was easier to see, good for her. I got some of my investment mone,y back in my bank, showed her which supercharged Viper I found, then bought us tickets to Chicago. That happened 1 month after we went on the cruiseship she chose. She drove back from Chicago with me and in June she was in the passenger seat when we head-oned a Semi. She didn't like the muscle cars at the beginning (I've got 5) and she really disliked them after we survived the crash. Lol, when I bought my 2nd Viper in Ohio she ws conveniently too busy, so I went and got it myself. At the beginning of the VCA Revelstoke Mountain rally ... she sat in the pass seat. Not a word from her as we drifted sideways around the first few corners. I think there's permanent dents in the carpet where the pass brake pedal would be if the car had one, but she managed it and everyone supported her.

This year we're waiting for the Can/US car prices to become fair, then she's planning to buy an Edge. With the Viper parked for the Winter I'm good with my 500hp Stealth R/T TT AWD, AWS. I'm not planning to buy any more cars until I sell a few muscle and collector cars.

We're good! Good luck. Keep in mind that there's always a second wife if you want one.



Feb 24, 2007
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Higley AZ
I've never told my wife in advance about any of the cars, boats, motorcycles or other toys I've bought. I did tell her about the Viper in advance because I was flying out in the morning to get the car and wouldn't be back until the next morning. She loves the Viper, I just don't let her drive it as often as she would like.


Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
Thank you Lee for the compliment, I will TAKE IT haha.

Juli-oh yeh, we are one of the few car girls huh?

When I met Scott I took him out in the garage after our 6th date and introduced him to my real love. I made it quite clear that the Viper is there to stay. End of story. He wasn't really into it, (he has a black Z06 like mine), but now if it's a sunny day, he is ALL over grabbing the keys!


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I congratulate you. Has she told you its now time for you to get fixed? She will and you should listen, take the time to talk it through while you still have a deep voice...Your a lucky man, I salute you!

Fixed? YEP...been having that conversation lately...so I went out and purchased a woodchipper, showed her the wood-chipper scene from the movie "Fargo" and that was pretty much the end of that discussion. I haven't heard a peep about the topic since. :2tu:

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Thank you Lee for the compliment, I will TAKE IT haha.
Oh yeh, Juli we are one of the few car girls huh?
When I met Scott I took him out in the garage after our 6th date and introduced him to my real love. I made it quite clear that the Viper is there to stay. End of story. He wasn't really into it, (he has a black Z06 like mine), but now if it's a sunny day, he is ALL over grabbing the keys!

Yep, Leslie, there are too few of us here...you, me, Venomiss, Nadine, Viperess (or did she sell her Viper?)...any more out there I have forgotten? Vipers have been Mike & my passion for as long as we both remember...shared passions = bliss~~! ~juli


Nov 7, 2000
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New Canaan, CT
Some ways to convince your wife,
- On your anniversary, kneel and present her with some diamond earrings.
- Then show her the keys to the Viper

If you can't convince your wife, alternative cars should include
- M3/M5
- AMG models.
- 911.

In my house, any automotive decision is mine. That's the deal. I did get my GTS in 97 before I got married so it wasn't an issue. But my wife is quite receptive to my automotive pleasures. I've even told her about the 08 ACR I will be purchasing [sidebar]if Chysler can fix their pricing[/sidebar] and she's not hollering.


Viper Owner
Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
well....I guess the two way with her hot friend or sister is out......

I got my viper about 3 weeks before my daughter was born. Wife and I went out to dinner in it the day I brought it home, even though she couldn't get out of it without help (8+months preggo).

She's not a car person per say, enjoys the Viper to a degree, but knows the passion I have for cars and my Viper. It's a non issue. Now, on the otherhand I just bought her a new Aspen with the Hemi. She's made several comments about liking that V8......uh oh.....next she's going to want to practice more driving a stick....


Mar 11, 2002
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The (UN)Constitution State
Tell her that unless she wants you to spend $355,000 on a Ferrari Scaglietti or $372,000 for an Aston Martin Vanquish 2+2..... the Viper just makes more sense.

Tell her not to be jealous, either. She and the son can take turns in the passenger seat.

If she still puts up resistance, ask her how much she would like to drive the Caravan or Windstar of her dreams.... instead of whatever fine vehicle you have currently provided her with. Cold hard reality might set in then. :2tu:


Viper Owner
Oct 27, 2007
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My wife and I have two girls 3.5 and 1.5 yrs old. I usually just drive the car by myself. My wife is not into cars and doesn't care that I have it. I do take my older daughter out around the block. If you can afford it as a 3rd car still try to convince her. If not...65 lincoln continental convertable, plenty of room, ****, and suicide doors! Or maybe a CTS-V


Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
Take the plunge, she'll get used to it. If it's your Passion go for it, there are many worse habits she should be thankful you don't have. Go For it !:2tu:


Viper Owner
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Cobra Comander my fellow Canadian... I feel you pain. :( I have gone through the exact same thing you are going through with your wife...about the Viper and cars in general.


This is my story ...

I have been married for 11 years and one day, not so long ago, woke up and said to myself, I HATE MY LIFE! I was extremely unhappy and didn't know why. I spent a long time reflecting on our marriage and what went wrong. What I found out is that my wife controlled every aspect of my life. I had learnt to suppress my feelings, beliefs and wants out of fear that I may lose her. Dumbest thing I have ever done!! :confused:

I spent 6 years of my life supporting my wife 200% (financially and emotionally) putting her through University. She graduated with a Masters and was thrilled to be doing what she wanted to do. During those 6 years I did not live for myself but instead lived for her. I spent every single penny on putting her through school! I always paid the bills and made sure the ship was afloat! Basically I suppressed my passion (cars in general) to meet the financial needs of her schooling. And that is a small piece of the pie :(

So the day rolls around that we are now both professionals working and making good money. So now it is time for me to live my dreams...at least that's what I thought. I tell my wife that I am going to buy a Viper and she absolutely comes apart on me. :omg: ***!!!! :mad: How is that fair? I just spent 6 years taking care of you and now you don't give a @!#$% about me and my passion!?!?! At this point I thought @#$% IT! It is my life and I'm going to buy the Viper! So I did. Needless to say I really made my wife mad as she thought I was doing something so irrational. Rational to her is something that she wants and not what I want. Control, control, control!

Today I am struggling with my wife because I now have a voice and it is not the voice that I once had. Basically I am living for me and not for her. I am no longer going to suppress my feelings and desires in life. Otherwise I am simply cheating myself.

Without a doubt, the resource that helped me 'find me' was Self Matters by Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil explains that it is extremely unhealthy and unfair to each individual to live by someone else's plans, desires, needs, etc. etc. I highly recommend it to all guys who think they are controlled by their wives. Today I am living for myself and not her!!

So Cobra Comander, when you wife tells you that a Viper does not make sense because you can't carry the whole family, that simply an excuse and her reasoning!!! If she couldn't use the "we can't fit the whole family in it" scenario she would simply come up with another excuse. Basically she doesn't want you to have it period!

I've come to the conclusion that many wives give their husbands grief over the things that they want and or desire. Contorl, control, control is what they are after!

I suggest that you point out to your wife that you have the financial means, pay the bills and support the family 100%. I also suggest that you point out that you have a family car that seats everyone. I mean it's not like you are trying to live beyond you financial means.

Ask her, would you rather I be drug addict or be an alcholic instead? Or would you rather I go chase women on the side and have an affair? Maybe she will "get it" then :dunno:

BUY THE VIPER AND HAVE FUN!!! :2tu: That's what it is all about...living your dreams! :)

I know that I have said it once but I'll say it again, read Self Matters by Dr. Phil...everything will make sense to you then.

Good luck ;)
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Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Cobra Comander my fellow Canadian... I feel you pain. :( I have gone through the exact same thing you are going through with your wife...about the Viper and cars in general.


This is my story ...

I have been married for 11 years and one day, not so long ago, woke up and said to myself, I HATE MY LIFE! I was extremely unhappy and didn't know why. I spent a long time reflecting on our marriage and what went wrong. What I found out is that my wife controlled every aspect of my life. I had learnt to suppress my feelings, beliefs and wants out of fear that I may lose her. Dumbest thing I have ever done!! :confused:

I spent 6 years of my life supporting my wife 200% (financially and emotionally) putting her through University. She graduated with a Masters and was thrilled to be doing what she wanted to do. During those 6 years I did not live for myself but instead lived for her. I spent every single penny on putting her through school! I always paid the bills and made sure the ship was afloat! Basically I suppressed my passion (cars in general) to meet the financial needs of her schooling. And that is a small piece of the pie :(

So the day rolls around that we are now both professionals working and making good money. So now it is time for me to live my dreams...at least that's what I thought. I tell my wife that I am going to buy a Viper and she absolutely comes apart on me. :omg: ***!!!! :mad: How is that fair? I just spent 6 years taking care of you and now you don't give a @!#$% about me and my passion!?!?! At this point I thought @#$% IT! It is my life and I'm going to buy the Viper! So I did. Needless to say I really made my wife mad as she thought I was doing something so irrational. Rational to her is something that she wants and not what I want. Control, control, control!

Today I am struggling with my wife because I now have a voice and it is not the voice that I once had. Basically I am living for me and not for her. I am no longer going to suppress my feelings and desires in life. Otherwise I am simply cheating myself.

Without a doubt, the resource that helped me 'find me' was Self Matters by Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil explains that it is extremely unhealthy and unfair to each individual to live by someone else's plans, desires, needs, etc. etc. I highly recommend it to all guys who think they are controlled by their wives. Today I am living for myself and not her!!

So Cobra Comander, when you wife tells you that a Viper does not make sense because you can't carry the whole family, that simply an excuse and her reasoning!!! If she couldn't use the "we can't fit the whole family in it" scenario she would simply come up with another excuse. Basically she doesn't want you to have it period!

I've come to the conclusion that many wives give their husbands grief over the things that they want and or desire. Contorl, control, control is what they are after!

I suggest that you point out to your wife that you have the financial means, pay the bills and support the family 100%. I also suggest that you point out that you have a family car that seats everyone. I mean it's not like you are trying to live beyond you financial means.

Ask her, would you rather I be drug addict or be an alcholic instead? Or would you rather I go chase women on the side and have an affair? Maybe she will get 'it' then :dunno:

BUY THE VIPER AND HAVE FUN!!! :2tu: That's what it is all about...living your dreams! :)

I know that I have said it once but I'll say it again, read Self Matters by Dr. Phil...everything will make sense to you then.

Good luck ;)

That's not really fair to all wives. I had a wife that was "Bi-polar" (used to be called manic-depressive). After 21 years putting up with the BEST and WORST sh_t possible I finally learned that our relationship was a waste of time. Nothing I did really made any difference in the end, except that all I got after 21 years was 2/3rds of the kids, my MIG welder and 1 toolbox. She kept the house, sold my cars, burned my shop to the ground for the $40,000 insurance and partied away the half million I was worth at that time. Called her after the Divorce was finalized and told her "I'm worth a million and you're worth a few ten thousand dollar bills, I WIN!" then hung up.

Now I've replaced the money, the cars, tools and after only 10 years I've doubled what I had before the divorce. She always wanted to travel the world - I did that AND I'VE GOT A SUPERCHARGED VIPER!

Some wives are awsome (eh Julie?) some not so good and like the commercial, it's easy to replace a bad one with a better one.

I let the wife have her Escape and she lets me have my Duster, Stealth, Viper, etc. Live and let live is my motto.


mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
That's not really fair to all wives. I had a wife that was "Bi-polar" (used to be called manic-depressive). After 21 years putting up with the BEST and WORST sh_t possible I finally learned that our relationship was a waste of time. Nothing I did really made any difference in the end, except that all I got after 21 years was 2/3rds of the kids, my MIG welder and 1 toolbox. She kept the house, sold my cars, burned my shop to the ground for the $40,000 insurance and partied away the half million I was worth at that time. Called her after the Divorce was finalized and told her "I'm worth a million and you're worth a few ten thousand dollar bills, I WIN!" then hung up.
Now I've replaced the money, the cars, tools and after only 10 years I've doubled what I had before the divorce. She always wanted to travel the world - I did that AND I'VE GOT A SUPERCHARGED VIPER!
Some wives are awsome (eh Julie?) some not so good and like the commercial, it's easy to replace a bad one with a better one.
I let the wife have her Escape and she lets me have my Duster, Stealth, Viper, etc. Live and let live is my motto.

Hey Ted~~bless you, thank you kindly!!!~~I am Mike's 'significant other', Mike is mine...we've both been married, been there, done that...R-E-S-P-E-C-T is the name of the game, and as I always say: SHARED PASSIONS~~for one another and our interests...THANX for YOUR respect as well...you got it back double! :2tu: ~juli


Viper Owner
Oct 27, 2007
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Since it is important to me to pay for my daughters college education I will make this point. I have enough saved to pay for there college. If I did not have that saved I would not have bought the Viper. Most likely your wife is worried about a security issue rather than you actually having the car. My wife and I talked at length about me purchasing the Viper because at the end of the day it was pretty much for me. As a husband and father I look at that as a large purchase. I told my wife "what if we switch to a 15 yr mortgage, and if money gets tight I will sell the Viper to help keep us on top of the payments" She agreed!

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