Z06 vs. 05 Viper (with 3 mods.)


Viper Owner
Aug 9, 2006
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Phoenix AZ
ok everyone lets all sing together!!!
my dogs better than your dog!
my dogs better than your dog!
my dogs better than your dog!
etc. etc. etc.
ROTFLMAO! ok and how old are we in here?


Viper Owner
Jun 14, 2003
Reaction score
atl. ga
Oh, and you say the Z06 is #2, well, PM me your e mail and I will send you the video of me racing a stock FGT (The owner of Fordgtforum.com, that also had a previous low 11 sec C5 Z06, and goes by the name of "DBK") and then you can tell me who won 3/4 races.

I hope you are enjoying your two new Vipers, they surely are a piece of art and beautiful.


Thank you Fadi. Now...the Z is not even CLOSE to the FGT. At any speed...at any time. Please don't forget that I have had 2 Z's, and 2 GT's. Don't know what to say about Dave's GT......very strange indeed. As much as I hate mag tests...find me any that show the Z quicker than the GT...except Vette quarterly. Back to the Viper. One tenth or 2 different in the 1320...that is it. More RWHP and less weight give the Z the edge...simple stuff. Doesn't take a lot of thought to realize that adding 50HP and dropping 75lbs by the 2 mods I mentioned will make the Viper faster. Maybe you just have the King of all Z06's. You never know. Your findings and comments are so far out of the realm of reality, that has to be it. If you could back it up by some factual info...instead of the " it takes a blower on a Viper to beat a stock Z06" comment, you would have more credibility. In conclusion, this is the VCA site. While anyone who is a car enthusiast can join in on the fun....your comments are not taken well by the members here. Why even post your baseless thoughts here? Bashing the cars of the people that frequent this site is not cool. Again, enjoy your King of Z's. A.J.

PS Would I go to the Z06 site and post this? No...I have too much respect for fellow gearheads.


Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
Oh, and you say the Z06 is #2, well, PM me your e mail and I will send you the video of me racing a stock FGT (The owner of Fordgtforum.com, that also had a previous low 11 sec C5 Z06, and goes by the name of "DBK") and then you can tell me who won 3/4 races.

I hope you are enjoying your two new Vipers, they surely are a piece of art and beautiful.

Thank you Fadi. Now...the Z is not even CLOSE to the FGT. At any speed...at any time. Please don't forget that I have had 2 Z's, and 2 GT's. Don't know what to say about Dave's GT......very strange indeed. As much as I hate mag tests...find me any that show the Z quicker than the GT...except Vette quarterly. Back to the Viper. One tenth or 2 different in the 1320...that is it. More RWHP and less weight give the Z the edge...simple stuff. Doesn't take a lot of thought to realize that adding 50HP and dropping 75lbs by the 2 mods I mentioned will make the Viper faster. Maybe you just have the King of all Z06's. You never know. Your findings and comments are so far out of the realm of reality, that has to be it. If you could back it up by some factual info...instead of the " it takes a blower on a Viper to beat a stock Z06" comment, you would have more credibility. In conclusion, this is the VCA site. While anyone who is a car enthusiast can join in on the fun....your comments are not taken well by the members here. Why even post your baseless thoughts here? Bashing the cars of the people that frequent this site is not cool. Again, enjoy your King of Z's. A.J.

PS Would I go to the Z06 site and post this? No...I have too much respect for fellow gearheads.


A.J, I remember sometime ago on the Ferrari forums that you said the Viper was quicker than a Z06 from a roll, but the Z06 is quicker from a dig, and since you had both, you can attest to that. Now, you obviously know that this is not true, and the Z06 is quicker from any speed, even from a stand still. Now, you are doing the samething by saying that the Z06 is not even close to the GT, and that you have both, just like you said with the Viper and Z06.

Like I said, I have raced Dave's FGT (Who knows how to drive), my buddy has raced a few stock FGT's in his stock Z06 (and won), and I spoke with "Robiferretti" online who has told me that the a his stock Z06 outran his stock FGT. Does that mean the Z06 is the absolute quicker car? Maybe not, but, I will tell you that I have yet to see a video of a FGT beating a Z06, yet, I can show you a video of me beating Dave's FGT and a video of a buddies intake/tune beating a FGT also. But this is not what this argument is about.

It might seem like I am here to stir the ***, but, initially, I just wanted to inform the misinfomed that claim the Viper puts out more rwhp, which is doesn't. Since I had both, raced both, and dynoed both, I thought I would chime in. But, it seems like some of the in-denial Viper owners just can't handle the fact that the Z06 puts out more rwhp with two less cylinders. I am not putting the Viper down, I am not saying it is a pos, I am not degrading it in any way. All I am saying is that the Z06 is the quicker car, it dynos higher, and I truly beleive that a Z06 would beat a lightly modded Viper. I could be wrong, but I dont remember seeing or hearing about air intaked, cat-back exhaust Vipers trapping at 126+ mph like stock Z06's do.

Anyway, A.J, I have always enjoyed chatting with you and thought you were a great inspiration to many car enthusiasts, and I still do. I hope this simple "my dad can beat up your dad" chat doesn't take too much of an affect on our respect for one another..;)

If you ever want the video of me racing the GT, don't hesitate to PM me. Take care, and enjoy your awesome collection of cars.


Jul 10, 2005
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What I want to know is does gold neckware and a hair piece come standard with your 'vette or are they an option? What about the insecure plastic babe that is ubiquitous around 'vette guys? Optional or standard? Inquiring minds want to know!


Viper Owner
Jun 14, 2003
Reaction score
atl. ga

A.J, I remember sometime ago on the Ferrari forums that you said the Viper was quicker than a Z06 from a roll, but the Z06 is quicker from a dig, and since you had both, you can attest to that. Now, you obviously know that this is not true, and the Z06 is quicker from any speed, even from a stand still. Now, you are doing the samething by saying that the Z06 is not even close to the GT, and that you have both, just like you said with the Viper and Z06.


Ok...not used to being called a liar...but that is clearly what you said. The Z is not quicker than a Viper from any speed, as you think. Your Viper must have been a sorry case. The FGT will beat the Vette....with the same driver....EVERYTIME. Secondly...no one was saying the Z did not have more RWHP on this thread...they said the Viper engine put out more HP. Reread before you make statements. I know you know the difference from RWHP and engine Dyno. There is a thread on here with another Rag test showing the Viper faster 0-60 than the Z. http://www.cnn.com/2006/AUTOS/08/30/cr_supercars/index.html Would be hard to do that when it isn't faster from any speed...don't you think? But its just another rag. You guys with the Vettes have sworn by the Rags in the last 8 months...can't win em all though. I will ask you again. Show me one Mag test that shows the Z faster than the GT...just one. I can show many the other way. I am going to get off of the GT/Vette discussion...not for here.

Now.....you are backing up. You said that it took a blown Viper to beat a stock Z....are you sticking with that ...? Later you said a lightly modded Viper could not take a stock Z. When the cars are a tenth or 2 off in the 1320...doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize light mods will turn the tide. That is what started this nonsense for me. You never heard me say the stock Viper SRT was quicker in the 1320 than the stock Z06. A driver can make the difference, but same driver...the Z wins. Power to weight. Just like the GT power to weight slight edge over the Z.

I am done with this conversation with you. I tried to help you at one time. Anyone who asks for my help...I am more than willing to give. But you have stepped over the line with some of your comments. Good luck with your Z.


Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
What I want to know is does gold neckware and a hair piece

I dont know. Being 25, I dont know anything about hair loss. Just because you wore one at 25, and still do, doesn't mean we all do.


Dec 1, 2005
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A.J, I remember sometime ago on the Ferrari forums that you said the Viper was quicker than a Z06 from a roll, but the Z06 is quicker from a dig, and since you had both, you can attest to that. Now, you obviously know that this is not true, and the Z06 is quicker from any speed, even from a stand still. Now, you are doing the samething by saying that the Z06 is not even close to the GT, and that you have both, just like you said with the Viper and Z06.


Show me one Mag test that shows the Z faster than the GT...just one. I can show many the other way. I am going to get off of the GT/Vette discussion...not for here.



But, even more evident, is my race I had with a FGT.

I am not going to argue with you anymore. Enjoy your lovely cars.


May 28, 1998
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Fadi, I say give up. I will give a few facts here.

First you bought a used Viper that apparently had the engine replaced back around Feb 2006. You then returned it to DC on 5/4/06. These are from your own posts.

You NEVER even had that car during normal warm weather. Period. Prior to May we did not have any days in Michigan with warm enough weather and roads to provide any decent traction. So how the heck did you supposedly find out enough that would tell you the the vette would win from any speed.

Enough of listening to this guy. He extrapolates a very short ownership period during the cold weather time of the year and acts like a know it all. You ain't man. You are 25 years old and full of it.

Since you are such a wise-ass I would like to offer a challenge. Since your Z06 is faster at any point how would you like to take a challenge. 25 laps at Gingerman head to head. All stock down to the air cleaner and tires. Show me, no prove to me that the vette has better acceleration, braking and cornering. And for 25 laps endurance as well. You up for it big man?


Dec 1, 2005
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I have never driven a car on a roadcourse track, and no where did I say that I am a great roadcourse driver up for a road course challenge. It is obvious, from your avatar, that you have been on a roadcourse before. Well, I haven't ever been on a raodcourse. So, if we do that, and if you happen to beat me, it would be you beating the driver, not the car. Want to talk car for car, driver for driver, Mr. Ron? Take off your blower, get down to the street tires, KEEP ALL THE AIR MODS ON (smooth tube, filters, cat-back exhaust)and I will race you from 50-140 anyday, anytime, anywhere and prove to you what I have been saying all along, which is, a lightly modded Viper would not beat a bone stock Z06.

Are YOU up for it??


Dec 15, 2005
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trolls are bad.

there is simple math viper - 300lbs >= vette

the one question vette guys will start asking themselves is, how many people that really drive or race, stay stock? the answer is none. while boost may not help on a rd course it will at 1320 or highway pulls


Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Loganville, GA
I raced an SRT-10 convertible with a catback exhaust, and no catalytic converters, and beat it by 3 cars and still pulling hard by 130mph from a roll race. I have also raced a couple of Gen II Vipers with the upgrades that are listed here, plus exhaust, and beat them as well. I think the Viper has better traction and the low end torque will pull it ahead off the line, but after that the Vette is faster in all categories.

And about the power you get out of mods, just as an example....I added headers, a cold air intake, and custom dyno tune to my car and gained about 65rwhp.

The race I really wanna see, is an SRT-10 vs. a Murcielago :laugh:


Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Loganville, GA
The race I really wanna see, is an SRT-10 vs. a Murcielago :laugh:

I have, do not try it unless seriously modded. That car is FAST. Smoked me like a cuban cigar...

Wow, really??? Well, it was a Roadster I came across, which I think is heavier (not sure by how much). I pretty much annihilated him on the highway (although I was modded at the time). We were doing about 70 - 75mph, and I was in 3rd gear which is low for my 3rd. He just got on it, so he got a good jump on me. By time I hit 110 mph, I was a car and a half ahead of him, and pulling pretty good.

I figured an SRT-10 would pull early on a Murci, and the Murci would start creeping up as the speeds got faster and faster. Would still like to see it, I think they trap similar times/speeds in the 1320.


May 20, 2005
Reaction score
New York
In the standing mile race is was only a few mph faster.

Here are the numbers -

Lambo - 29.9 seconds @ 171
Viper - 30.9 seconds @ 168

I would assume in a quarter mile it would be close but as the speed and distance increases the Lambo has a huge benefit in aerodynamics.


Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Loganville, GA
In the standing mile race is was only a few mph faster.

Here are the numbers -

Lambo - 29.9 seconds @ 171
Viper - 30.9 seconds @ 168

I would assume in a quarter mile it would be close but as the speed and distance increases the Lambo has a huge benefit in aerodynamics.

1 second slower in a standing mile? That's not a huge gap. I'd love to see the two go at it! :2tu:


Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
The race I really wanna see, is an SRT-10 vs. a Murcielago :laugh:

I have, do not try it unless seriously modded. That car is FAST. Smoked me like a cuban cigar...

Wow, really??? Well, it was a Roadster I came across, which I think is heavier (not sure by how much). I pretty much annihilated him on the highway (although I was modded at the time). We were doing about 70 - 75mph, and I was in 3rd gear which is low for my 3rd. He just got on it, so he got a good jump on me. By time I hit 110 mph, I was a car and a half ahead of him, and pulling pretty good.

I figured an SRT-10 would pull early on a Murci, and the Murci would start creeping up as the speeds got faster and faster. Would still like to see it, I think they trap similar times/speeds in the 1320.

The Z06 did the standing mile in 29.30 seconds @ 174.09 mph. (Motortrend)

A Murci would not beat a Z06 in a standing mile. But a Viper might, because you know, they are just that close..;-)

Viper X

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 1, 2004
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Check this out: http://www.sscc.us/results-06-norc.htm#z2z

Stock Vipers and stock Z-06 Vettes are about the same in both the 1/2 mile and the 1 mile in the real world.

My stock 04 SRT-10 made 465 rwhp and 490 tq when stock. Not all Vipers or vettes are the same. I do wonder if DC has made some tuning changes to the Viper engine since they are using it in the truck, knock sensors and all.

Personally, I waste Z-06's, Murciellagos, Porsche GT's, Ford GT's, etc. every chance I get. .

Not sure how Fadi can continue his love affair with the vette, the margin just isn't that big if at all.



Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Loganville, GA
Wow, so there are just hundreds of new Z06's, Murcielagos, Porsche GT's (which will absolutely obliterate all of these cars), and Ford GT's driving around you all the time?

And how can you not understand Fadi's "love affair" with the Vette, when the people on this board have the same "love affair" with the Viper....when the performance gap just isn't that big (in your own words)?

Viper X

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Where is Loganville, GA?

Do they teach reading and writing skills there, lankhoss?

Never said hundreds or all the time, but there are more of these cars here than Vipers, many more.

"And how can you not understand Fadi's "love affair" with the Vette, when the people on this board have the same "love affair" with the Viper....when the performance gap just isn't that big (in your own words)?

Again,you missed a couple of words with your response, "if at all", but the short answer is, it's just another Corvette.


Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Loganville, GA
You, apparently, have problems with comprehension yourself.

You can't understand why Fadi has a "love affair" with a Corvette, but it's perfectly ok for people to feel that way about their Viper.

And your "it's just another Corvette" is such a weak and childish response to anything. Regardless of what car you drive or like, anyone who can't appreciate a Corvette has no business ever calling themselves a car enthusiast. And if you can't understand the differences between a Corvette Coupe and the Z06 (not just the power), then I am wasting my time even trying to have a conversation with such a simpleton.


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
I think the difference is that most of us do not go to the vette sites and talk Vipers. Not now and not at any time over the last 11 years of Viper ownership for me.

You are not wasting your time talking about the difference between the vette and Z06 here. You are wasting ours. :) Most here are car lovers. Period. And can tell the difference from a good distance. But the majority of non car people could not tell the difference. It is more difficult now than the C5 Z06 (except the year of non Z06 coupes).

BTW I have not yet met a Murci on the road. But if I do he better be modded or he will see my tail lights for a few seconds before I disappear in the distance. :)


May 20, 2005
Reaction score
New York
GR8 ASP said it best, the people on this forum have a love affair with the Viper and talk about the Viper in detail because this is a Viper website.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when there is no reason to post other then to stir the ***, then why bother? His love of the Z06 would be much more appreciated on another website - probably a corvette one.


Viper Owner
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix AZ
well i own a viper, had a z06, and still love both cars, does this make me bi? LOL! i bought the viper for the rarity, although i had stopped by the chevy dealer today to see a friend there and they did have a shiny new black z06 sitting out front and i did have to sit in it to feel the difference, and i have to admit it is 100% more comfortable for a bigger guy, even though the viper makes you feel like youre in a race car when youre in it. havent had the chance to take a c6 z for a ride yet. black would be the only color on a z that would still make most people turn their heads when it goes by.


VCA Member - New England
VCA Member
May 23, 2006
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Miami Beach, Fla. U.S.A.
back on the subject of the Lambo...

I raced on the highway, let's say from 50-140.

And I am pretty sure that it had exhaust (at least) it is not everyday that I race one, you know... (actually the only one)

took me by about 2-1/2 carlengths. I was completely stock


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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I cant wait until the day that i dont ave to read is responses.

I think your "H" key isn't working! :)

Here ya go, all fixed- "I cant wait for the day that I don't have to read his responses."

heh heh, just funnin' witcha, buddy....


Viper Owner
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix AZ
back on the subject of the Lambo...

I raced on the highway, let's say from 50-140.

And I am pretty sure that it had exhaust (at least) it is not everyday that I race one, you know... (actually the only one)

took me by about 2-1/2 carlengths. I was completely stock
i wonder what would have happened if you were supercharged


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
back on the subject of the Lambo...

I raced on the highway, let's say from 50-140.

And I am pretty sure that it had exhaust (at least) it is not everyday that I race one, you know... (actually the only one)

took me by about 2-1/2 carlengths. I was completely stock
i wonder what would have happened if you were supercharged

bye-bye lambo


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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My Mustang GT that I haven't bought yet can beat any and all exotics, hands down.

But in case it doesn't, I will still spend a lot less than anybody else. so that makes me the winner.

[/satire] :D

You know what I see in this? Cars that cost double what another car costs don't perform that much better. There is sort of a diminishing return, above say, $65,000. :) (snuck that one in!)

A $165,000~ Ford GT should absolutely STOMP a $65,000~ ZO6 in all performance criteria, but it don't. The difference is only measured in tenths. Each tenth costs a few thousand. (No, this is not a math exercise, just shenanigans!) :)

I've still got the Motor Trend "The Right Stuff" issue, where it compared the Viper, ZO6, and the FGT, and all three were pretty close, but no where in the performance categories did the FGT come close to a STOMPING of the ZO6. The extra cost of the Ford GT did not bring with it huge bragging rights of utter dominance, comensurate with its higher cost. But if you are flush with cash, that extra $90K or so don't mean nothing, you got the more exotic car of the two, and the enjoyment is not muted. Guys just want the best they can afford, and the performance is not the only determining factor, there is also sex appeal, and expression of superior social status. No one cares if your modded [insert brand here] can beat an Enzo in the 1/4 mile. Lower priced cars, regardless of their performance, just don't turn heads and make a statement like an exotic does.

Subjectively, I'd rather have a Ford GT as an addition to my gah-rage, over the ZO6. But thats for aesthetic reasons, and the sheer excitement the Ford GT embodies. Both cars are fully domestic, which I like a lot. Wish I had the bucks to own 'em all.