Z06 vs. 05 Viper (with 3 mods.)


Jan 10, 2006
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Loganville, GA
I think the difference is that most of us do not go to the vette sites and talk Vipers. Not now and not at any time over the last 11 years of Viper ownership for me.

You are not wasting your time talking about the difference between the vette and Z06 here. You are wasting ours. :) Most here are car lovers. Period. And can tell the difference from a good distance. But the majority of non car people could not tell the difference. It is more difficult now than the C5 Z06 (except the year of non Z06 coupes).

BTW I have not yet met a Murci on the road. But if I do he better be modded or he will see my tail lights for a few seconds before I disappear in the distance. :)

Well, I didn't come here bringing Z06 praises. The thread was started by a Viper owner, and I thought I'd add some input since I have A) raced a Viper with similar mods and B) wanted to give an idea to you guys what bolt on mods does for the LS-7. Reason being, there was debate in here as to how each engine would handle the mods.

I love the Viper, in fact if I buy another car it will be a '99 GTS. I don't care what car people love, I'm not here to debate that. However, just because this is a Viper site, doesn't give people justification for posting false information about a Corvette, and it certainly doesn't justify childish behavior and lack of class.

Those are the two issues I am arguing, not a freaking automobile.


May 28, 1998
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Not sure what the childish behavior or lack of class is in regards. For now I will let that pass.

As an fyi note that Fadi has posted here many times this year and we have exchanged pleasant challenges. He does have a jaundiced view of the Viper. Why I do not know. But his reference to the average dyno readings should bear him out as he indicates a 435 average for Vipers while I believe it is more like 445. Not a huge difference but makes the differential stated to the Z06 nearly meaningless. And I could demonstrate that the difference is in the driveline and wheel inertia that the Viper has. Some for greater reliability with much higher engine torque.

But again this is a Viper board and not a vette board. If you want to highlight the vette take it there or in the least take it to the "driven" section here (for non Viper related content).


VCA Member - New England
VCA Member
May 23, 2006
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Miami Beach, Fla. U.S.A.
My Mustang GT that I haven't bought yet can beat any and all exotics, hands down.

But in case it doesn't, I will still spend a lot less than anybody else. so that makes me the winner.

[/satire] :D

You know what I see in this? Cars that cost double what another car costs don't perform that much better. There is sort of a diminishing return, above say, $65,000. :) (snuck that one in!)

A $165,000~ Ford GT should absolutely STOMP a $65,000~ ZO6 in all performance criteria, but it don't. The difference is only measured in tenths. Each tenth costs a few thousand. (No, this is not a math exercise, just shenanigans!) :)

I've still got the Motor Trend "The Right Stuff" issue, where it compared the Viper, ZO6, and the FGT, and all three were pretty close, but no where in the performance categories did the FGT come close to a STOMPING of the ZO6. The extra cost of the Ford GT did not bring with it huge bragging rights of utter dominance, comensurate with its higher cost. But if you are flush with cash, that extra $90K or so don't mean nothing, you got the more exotic car of the two, and the enjoyment is not muted. Guys just want the best they can afford, and the performance is not the only determining factor, there is also sex appeal, and expression of superior social status. No one cares if your modded [insert brand here] can beat an Enzo in the 1/4 mile. Lower priced cars, regardless of their performance, just don't turn heads and make a statement like an exotic does.

Subjectively, I'd rather have a Ford GT as an addition to my gah-rage, over the ZO6. But thats for aesthetic reasons, and the sheer excitement the Ford GT embodies. Both cars are fully domestic, which I like a lot. Wish I had the bucks to own 'em all.

Most of you guys here seem to forget that these are sports cars, and not dragsters. Heck, I can build a 'stang on the botle and slicks for under let's say 12K that will beat an Enzo in the 1320. That's the kind of comparison that we are seeing here.

Yes, we are close the the Muercielago, Enzo, bla bla bla... On a straight line. Put them on a race track for an extended period of time, or even drive them at high speed and that is where your money goes.

Some of you here own Lambos or Ferraris, so feedback is welcome. I've driven both as well and can attest to the superior handling at high speed. (typing with a smile on my face, wow...)

Remember that the law of diminishing returns applies to performance cars as it does to mostly everything else. So at the top end of performance, that extra tenth you shave off is going to cost you $$$.

Racer Robbie

Dec 15, 2004
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Guilford, CT-USA
QUOTE from Zorro: "PHOENIX...

best bang for the buck would be...

-KNN intake

And I strongly recommend a shifter."

Zorro, you are quite correct. Our sealed ram air box is built from the -KNN intake System using some modifications and Green Filters.



May 6, 2004
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Get a life and admit your car is slower.. Jeez!

I agree with lankhoss 100% I have a Mamba Viper, had a Z06 and both are great cars. Some Viper owners just hate saying that something else if faster.

Who cares abour rolling weight, and some internal math equation.. Enjoy your car.

Oh and by the way, I am interested in the performance comparision between the cars and I don't think that means that someone should be over at the vette site!



Dec 15, 2005
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Well what are we arguing about in here. The vette is faster. Period. No one can doubt that. The fact that these cars are pretty much equal in value (markup on Z06, rebate on viper) means that hey have different things to offer and must be good things because people are buying them.

the vette is a tad faster straitline but a lot faster on the road course but has lots of quality issues with rear ends, roofs, engine seizures, poor service etc. It is also not very good for boost, at least at this point.

The viper has a better built drivetrain, rear end, awesome brakes, more modability, more exclusive. But the achilles is that there is a car that can smash it at the track which shouldnt happen to the viper.

Face it folks these are two great cars. I dont prefer to have either one for myself so my opinion is nuetral. YOU ALSO HAVE TO REALIZE THAT NEITHER WILL BE THE TOP DOG VERY LONG!!!!!!! YOU WILL ALL HAVE TO MOD AND VOID YOUR WARRANTIES TO KEEP UP!!!!!!! THE TIME IS DRAWING NEAR.


May 20, 2005
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New York
Smash it at the track? A lot faster on a road course? Are you Serious? Smoking the funny stuff today?


Viper Owner
Jun 14, 2003
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atl. ga
Smash it at the track? A lot faster on a road course? Are you Serious? Smoking the funny stuff today?

Yeah...was thinking the same thing. From R/T recent Superpowers test:

"Things might have turned out quite differently if this wasn’t a strictly track-focused event, but certain soldiers stood out as worthy of commendation. On the American side, the Viper gets the nod. On paper, the GT and Z06 outperform it in acceleration, but its grip, confidence factor, controllability and effortless, explosive torque make it the track-day darling."

By the way...the outperforming in acceleration in this test was one tenth (.1) of a second from the Z...and a bunch from the GT. (.6)

Viper X

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 1, 2004
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Take your corvette lovin' behind back to the vette board where you belong.

Funny how you vette boys finally get a car that is close to a Viper in performance terms only, stock v. stock, certainly not looks, exclusivity, or any other category and you just can't let go.

Since Viper was introduced in the early 90's, no vette has been close, stock v. stock. I hate to let you in on this, but your almighty Z-06 may be close stock but isn't close when the "modding" starts and never will be.

Also, it should be fun to see how they hold up when driven hard.


Jun 5, 2005
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I agree with what one of the guys here said.

I own a Z06 and a Viper, but I would never go on the Z06 web site and start talking Viper times, saying it's better, etc etc....kinda an 'unwritten rule' among car enthusiasts.

Besides, I've known the guys from Z06vette for 5 yrs now and they would kick my a@@ if I did!

I love both cars, drove a new Z06 and was shocked at the difference from my '02....havn't driven a new coupe yet.


May 28, 1998
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I can. Stock for stock.

Z06 has a slight edge in the 1/4 mile (.1 to .2 sec and 2-3 mph).
About equal in braking with the Viper having a slight edge under higher speed braking.
Fairly close in most track comparisons with the Viper getting the nod based on ease of driving fast and approaching the limit (note without the nannies).
About the same in top speed
Oh, and in the all important fuel economy category the Z06 wins hands down.

Satisfied? In no way is the Z06 heads and shoulders above the 2003 Viper. It is slightly quicker. That is all.

Now that is after trailing by a greater margin for most of the last 14 years. So hold your head up high for the 1 1/2 year period where it exceeds the Viper. It may not be as long lasting as you think. Me thinks that throwing stones now will provide ammunition for a backlash in the relative near term.

And yes we understand there are a lot more of you to come here and throw the stones. That is one of the reasons many of us are here.


Viper Owner
Jun 14, 2003
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atl. ga

I can. Stock for stock.

Z06 has a slight edge in the 1/4 mile (.1 to .2 sec and 2-3 mph).
About equal in braking with the Viper having a slight edge under higher speed braking.
Fairly close in most track comparisons with the Viper getting the nod based on ease of driving fast and approaching the limit (note without the nannies).
About the same in top speed
Oh, and in the all important fuel economy category the Z06 wins hands down.

Satisfied? In no way is the Z06 heads and shoulders above the 2003 Viper. It is slightly quicker. That is all.

Now that is after trailing by a greater margin for most of the last 14 years. So hold your head up high for the 1 1/2 year period where it exceeds the Viper. It may not be as long lasting as you think. Me thinks that throwing stones now will provide ammunition for a backlash in the relative near term.

And yes we understand there are a lot more of you to come here and throw the stones. That is one of the reasons many of us are here.

Well said. One other mentionable....most of us Gearheads modify to some degree. Of the 2 Z guys posting here, 1 has modified and one hasn't. Most Z guys will modify...just as most Viper guys will. The small Z advantage is taken away quickly at that point. Very quickly. But yes...the Z is SLIGHTLY quicker out of the wrapper, no doubt. But it ends there.


Dec 15, 2005
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I hope you guys dont take this the wrong way because I didnt buy a Z06 #1 I dont do markups, #2 I wanted something faster. I am in the process of getting a Gen II and modding it for road course duties and high NA hp to beat the Z06/Z07 and 08 Viper.

With all that said, I still say that the Z06 is much faster on a road course. I hate it as much as anyone but it's the truth. You take any of the road tests that compare them on the track. the Z06 generally wins by 1-2.5 secs. This is secs per lap so add that to a 30 min session and you will get smoked. 300 lbs is a big difference on a road course or do some of you not realize that. There is only one factory car that I know of that should handily beat the Z06 on the road course and that's the Carrera GT. A Ford GT should win but not by much at all.

No wonder that dodge didnt put much effort into seeing the best the viper could do around the "RING" which has been and always will be the major benchmark for a cars handling capabilities. So now all we are left with are the mags with not pro drivers to show us that the vette is still faster.

I hate the all the fanboys for corvettes of any year. Lankhoss happens to be a buddy of mine so I wont bash him for trolling :)


Viper Owner
Aug 9, 2006
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Phoenix AZ
i'm happy with my 04 viper, except for the fact that they need to fire the guy who designed how to access the lights on the exterior of the car! [******]!!!


Jan 10, 2006
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Loganville, GA
I don't see how you think I am trolling this thread, I'm not coming in here praising the Vette. The question asked at the beginning of the thread was asking for speculative answers. I wanted to come in and give a "real world" comaprison to something similar.

I love the freakin' Viper, I'm not bashing it at all. I just happen to own a Corvette, that doesn't make me some fanboy or Viper enemy.

But some of the guys here have their facts wrong. The Z06 is SUBSTANTIALLY faster than the Viper. The Viper has a more rigid chassis, and the two cars have similar braking. But the Vette's much lower weight gives it a great advantage around the track when everything else is pretty close in performance.

The Vette weighs almost 300lbs less than the SRT-10 convertible, and that is a fact. I thought the SRT-10 averaged about 435rwhp, but someone else in here said 445...that may be more accurate. The Z06 averages about 455rwhp, and it's not uncommon for them to be in the 460's....that is fact.

The horsepower numbers may not seem that different, but the weight is a HUGE difference. The average run for a Z06 in the quarter mile is 11.5 - 11.7 seconds@ 125 - 127mph....that is a fact. The average 0 - 150 time for the Z06 is just under 18 seconds, while the Viper is consistantly over 20 seconds....that is a fact, and a big gap (about 225ft by calculations). The car is just plain and simply faster than the Viper, period. That doesn't make it a "better" car, as it still comes down to preference. But I'm not praising the Z06, it's just.......true.

Now I'm not as familiar with the SRT-10 quarter mile times, but I believe they are in the high 11's to low 12's on average, at around 122 - 124mph.

I KNOW the best run for a Z06 in completely stock form is 11.31 @ 127mph
I am GUESSING the Viper is around 11.6 @ 124mph? I'm sure someone can set me straight there. Keep in mind, that the trap speeds are more indicitive of the "faster car" than the actual ET. 3mph is fairly substantial, and the Z widens the gap all the way up to 150mph.

I would imagine the Viper responds better to mods than the Z does, because of the higher displacement. And I definitely agree that forced induction is more friendly to the Viper engine than it is the Z06 engine. It seems like the LS-7 is responding VERY well to bolt ons, which I think is partially due to the detuning of the computer from the factory (guys are getting 20, to as much as 30rwhp from a tune alone). I THINK headers, tune, or intake give slightly better numbers on the Z06, but I'm not sure.

As far as the Corvette "finally catching up" to the Viper, well that's kind of a silly statement. The Corvette was never in the same class as the Viper was. That's like saying the Mustang "finally" caught up to the Vette. Well even if it did, that'd be a massive accomplishment for the Mustang, because it's not in the same class as the Corvette is. The Corvette has been a mass produced coupe since 1953!! There's a MUCH longer history behind the Corvette than there is the Viper, and it will continue to be a mass produced (more) affordable Coupe....that's just how it is. So the fact that the Corvette is now performing like the Viper is, in stock form, and everyone is raving over it....is a COMPLIMENT to the Viper. I don't know a single person (save some jealous young "ricer" fellas) that doesn't think the Viper isn't a completely awesome car (myself included). The excitement of the Vette reaching the Viper's performance level is because of the amount of RESPECT for the car, not a slam against it.

When it comes down to it, the Vette is simply the faster car. That's not an opinion. I don't know how much simpler to put it........it just, is.


Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
I don't see how you think I am trolling this thread, I'm not coming in here praising the Vette. The question asked at the beginning of the thread was asking for speculative answers. I wanted to come in and give a "real world" comaprison to something similar.

I love the freakin' Viper, I'm not bashing it at all. I just happen to own a Corvette, that doesn't make me some fanboy or Viper enemy.

But some of the guys here have their facts wrong. The Z06 is SUBSTANTIALLY faster than the Viper. The Viper has a more rigid chassis, and the two cars have similar braking. But the Vette's much lower weight gives it a great advantage around the track when everything else is pretty close in performance.

The Vette weighs almost 300lbs less than the SRT-10 convertible, and that is a fact. I thought the SRT-10 averaged about 435rwhp, but someone else in here said 445...that may be more accurate. The Z06 averages about 455rwhp, and it's not uncommon for them to be in the 460's....that is fact.

The horsepower numbers may not seem that different, but the weight is a HUGE difference. The average run for a Z06 in the quarter mile is 11.5 - 11.7 seconds@ 125 - 127mph....that is a fact. The average 0 - 150 time for the Z06 is just under 18 seconds, while the Viper is consistantly over 20 seconds....that is a fact, and a big gap (about 225ft by calculations). The car is just plain and simply faster than the Viper, period. That doesn't make it a "better" car, as it still comes down to preference. But I'm not praising the Z06, it's just.......true.

Now I'm not as familiar with the SRT-10 quarter mile times, but I believe they are in the high 11's to low 12's on average, at around 122 - 124mph.

I KNOW the best run for a Z06 in completely stock form is 11.31 @ 127mph
I am GUESSING the Viper is around 11.6 @ 124mph? I'm sure someone can set me straight there. Keep in mind, that the trap speeds are more indicitive of the "faster car" than the actual ET. 3mph is fairly substantial, and the Z widens the gap all the way up to 150mph.

I would imagine the Viper responds better to mods than the Z does, because of the higher displacement. And I definitely agree that forced induction is more friendly to the Viper engine than it is the Z06 engine. It seems like the LS-7 is responding VERY well to bolt ons, which I think is partially due to the detuning of the computer from the factory (guys are getting 20, to as much as 30rwhp from a tune alone). I THINK headers, tune, or intake give slightly better numbers on the Z06, but I'm not sure.

As far as the Corvette "finally catching up" to the Viper, well that's kind of a silly statement. The Corvette was never in the same class as the Viper was. That's like saying the Mustang "finally" caught up to the Vette. Well even if it did, that'd be a massive accomplishment for the Mustang, because it's not in the same class as the Corvette is. The Corvette has been a mass produced coupe since 1953!! There's a MUCH longer history behind the Corvette than there is the Viper, and it will continue to be a mass produced (more) affordable Coupe....that's just how it is. So the fact that the Corvette is now performing like the Viper is, in stock form, and everyone is raving over it....is a COMPLIMENT to the Viper. I don't know a single person (save some jealous young "ricer" fellas) that doesn't think the Viper isn't a completely awesome car (myself included). The excitement of the Vette reaching the Viper's performance level is because of the amount of RESPECT for the car, not a slam against it.

When it comes down to it, the Vette is simply the faster car. That's not an opinion. I don't know how much simpler to put it........it just, is.

I don't think the Viper averages 122-124 in the 1/4. I have seen one and only one 124 mph trap for the Viper (with K&N's and smotth tube), some 122's, and mostly 121's in stock trim.

I would say that the Z06 average trap is 125 (This is what I have seen from most owners on the Vet boards), while the Vipers is 121 (Again, what I see mostly by browsing these Viper boards). 4 mph in the 1/4 is huge. And like you stated, by 150, the gap will widen even more. I just dont see how people can't see that. Or do, but just don't want to admit it.

Anyways, I really do think both are great cars. Some may think that I am so pro vet, but, I also do like the Viper a lot and that is why I purchased one before I sold it. I do think it has its advantages over the Z06, just like the Z06 has its advantages over the Viper. One fact still remains and that is the C6 Z06 is the plain out quicker/faster car than the current Viper.

Let us wait and see what happens with the Diamondback vs. Stingray...


Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Hey well at least you dont get bashed over here like you would on Corvette Forum for saying the Z06 is not a supercar or that porsche has better build quality. There is no doubting the Z06 as faster. HOWEVER, I dont know of a Ranger or Wanted for the SRT's and specifically the Coupe which I have heard has been turning out better times than the SRT vert. I dont count those two generally because they are far from the norm. I would like to do avg's which would better gauge what the cars can do. I think the avg for the Z06 for a decent driver has to be in the 11.8 range and from what I have heard the avg for the SRT 10 is somewhere around 12.1 or so. Which is amazing because the GEN II's were in that range as well with 50 less hp.

Lankhoss I know your not a fanboy, but Fadi is trolling.


Viper Owner
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
hey guys.
this is my first post here. let me introduce myself. i am a CAR guy. i love cars, always have, always will. ive owned many and varied performance cars over the years.
currently i own a lotus elise, and a mustang cobra that is heavily modified. (500+ rwhp with full griggs racing suspension etc.) i also own a lifted hummer h3.
i am in the market for another vehicle and i was set on getting a viper. made 2 offers to a couple of dealers but they wanted to play hardball so i walked. im in no hurry.
i have ALWAYS been a viper fan but couldnt afford one previously. now i can.
i love the gen 3 coupe.
ive also loved certain vettes over the years. used to own a show quality 69.
anyway, i have driven a few gen 3 converts and i have driven a new zo6.
the c6zo6 made me rethink which car i wanted more.
basically, my impression is i like the vipers looks but the z was a better car.
for those of u who havent driven both cars, u cant always look at spec sheets and timeslips. yes, many of the numbers are very similar when looked at individually. but when u take all the things the z does just "this" much better than the viper, the sum is greater than the parts. handling wise theyre both very good, but i would give better balance to the z. acceleration, again, hands down and immediately noticeable, to the z. braking abt even with better feel to the viper. the vipers pedal layout is better situated IMO also. road feel the viper has the edge there too.
imo the z is easier to drive fast. yes, the TC really works well in z, and u can shut it off if u desire.
the viper has more "attitude." the z is more refined.
i realize much of this is subjective and im not here to "bash" any car. i love them both.
but face it guys, the 300 lbs that the z has shaved effects every aspect of performance driving. that 300 lbs is probably worth around 40hp. meaning the viper has to add abt 40hp to make up for that 300lbs. cant do much abt that 300lbs in cornering etc.
adding hp makes u faster in a straight line, dropping weight makes u faster everywhere.
i think the viper is a "cooler" car, looks wise and interior is better hands down. not that i think the z is "ugly," its not. just not as cool as the viper.
i would mod either car when i buy one. the viper i would go supercharger, where the z i believe i would keep N/A. the z has forged internals, but the 11:1 CR makes F/I a little tricky. but im seeing dynos in the 540 range on z's with cams, headers, and tuning for a cost of maybe a few grand with install. cheap.
which one will i buy?
dont know. no idea.
im hoping i can afford the upcoming viper with 600-650hp in the gen 3 body style. thats what i would really like. not sure if i can swing that sticker plus the inevitable dealer markups.
both great cars, guys. be happy.
at the very least, the z raised the bar for performance vs price. the reason we will see a king viper again is because chevy made such a great car for 70k.
its a great time for car guys like us.


Nov 2, 2004
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Unfortunately in shaving off that 300 lbs Chevy made the Z much less durable, so they are breaking down like crazy at the track versus the Vipers more rugged construction. See last issue of Viper magazine. (Although the added excitement of never knowing if the roof will stay on does add some unintended thrills to the Z). And I would question the "acceleration hands down the Z" statement. You mean to say that with the Vipers greater torque and equal horsepower, the Z is THAT much noticable quicker? How can that be?


Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Loganville, GA
Unfortunately in shaving off that 300 lbs Chevy made the Z much less durable, so they are breaking down like crazy at the track versus the Vipers more rugged construction. See last issue of Viper magazine. (Although the added excitement of never knowing if the roof will stay on does add some unintended thrills to the Z). And I would question the "acceleration hands down the Z" statement. You mean to say that with the Vipers greater torque and equal horsepower, the Z is THAT much noticable quicker? How can that be?

I would suggest you go drive a Z06 and feel for yourself. There are several people who have driven and own both, and nearly 100% of them say the same thing about the acceleration.

I have ridden in an SRT-10, and I didn't think it pulled nearly as hard as my Z stock, although it did feel "peppier" right off the line and at very low RPM's. I have also raced a couple of lightly modded SRT-10's on the street, and after the initial punch, they had no chance of keeping up with my acceleration.


Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
Lankhoss I know your not a fanboy, but Fadi is trolling.

You say I am trolling, yet, you, me and Lankhoss are here doing the same thing on this thread, which is, educating these Viper fellas and telling them the facts and not just throwing out opinions. Therefore, just ****, and get off my case, will ya? Thanks. :buttkick:


Viper Owner
Aug 22, 2006
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i dont know exactly how, but i have driven them back to back, and in my opinion the z was noticeably quicker. even down low, which i dont understand cause the viper has more c.i. and torque.
my guess is the power delivery may make the difference SEEM more than it is.
dont know. but that was my impression on 2 different back to back drives.
could be the 300 lbs making a difference though. u DO feel 300 lbs.
i havent heard abt all these track failures.....link?


Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
It's funny that you seem to forget that you have a blower on your car and it is the ONLY way you can beat a Z06. Hell, I can get a cam, do some bolt ons and you would not beat me with your blown V10. Sad.

I was pro vette my whole Viper experience, you are right. I always wanted the better performing car.

Ahh, this is where there is a misunderstanding. I don't need anywehre near 690 rwhp to be close to your Viper. It is amazing how much less rwhp I can have and still run right with or surpass a Viper.

But I don't care about all that modding garabge. I care about one thing only, that is, a stock C6 Z06 is quikcer/faster than a stock SRT-10 EVERYTIME. Hell, a lightly modded Viper would still lose to a stock Z06 and man, does this eat you up inside, Ron.

Don't stress it man, the new Diamonback Viper is coming out. Oh wait, so isn't the Stingray..Oops, GM did it again.. :D

Posts like these are what I consider trolling. You are straight up putting down another car. And on their site nonetheless. Find one of my posts where I am not stating both the positive and negavtive of both cars. I choose not to participate in the internet [******] measuring contest, if you want to see me meet me at the track. I could make a long list of things that I dont like about either car. My opinions are non biased because neither do I nor do I want to own either one. I'll take a C5 and Gen II any day and I have the C5 and the Gen II is on the way. :bonker:

Dont put me into your narrowminded boat. Your car stock is faster than an SRT in stock form. Are you happy?


Viper Owner
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
i agree....no need to be insulting to anyone or their car.
no car is the "end all, be all."
one more point....the srt is basically a 2003 model or so. the z is a 2006. of course the z has caught up to and in some ways surpassed the viper. thats the way it goes.
but if u look at it this way, chevy has put much of the market on its ear for what they are offering for around 70k. the next viper has to surpass that at a "reasonable" cost.
competition makes for a win - win situation for all of us.
theyre both great cars guys.


May 20, 2005
Reaction score
New York
This is a Viper forum to talk about Vipers so lets stick to that. The thread started life as a question regarding mods to beat a Z06 and turned into corvette guys worhtless banter.

There were several unbiased opinions on this post which were realistic, objective opinions from people who currently own both and like both.

Why must this continue? Insecurity about your car? the fact that the Viper still wins whether it is faster or not? Or just nothing else to do?


Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
This is a Viper forum to talk about Vipers so lets stick to that. The thread started life as a question regarding mods to beat a Z06 and turned into corvette guys worhtless banter.

There were several unbiased opinions on this post which were realistic, objective opinions from people who currently own both and like both.

Why must this continue? Insecurity about your car? the fact that the Viper still wins whether it is faster or not? Or just nothing else to do?

Yeaj you can say that but comparisons are a way of life in the testosterone driven sports car industry. On every vette site you will see these same comparison with viper guys chiming in. The mods can close this thread as Im sure countless other similar ones have been closed but they will resurface. As long and the big bad fellas dont get their ******* in a bunch its cool.

If you hadnt heard there is both a new vette and a new viper coming out next year so what do you think will happen..........C O M P A R I S O N S


Feb 2, 2004
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hey, lets not beat around the bush here - the reason this is a very long thread is that these guys are PASSIONATE about their rides and they are not gonna let anyone dis their reason for loving cars. DC loves this. GM loves this. and ya, zee germans at PAG luv zis!

And since I have passion for my 2000 GTS, and could have bought GM Z06, but instead bought a far more expensive 2005 GT3 to add to my Viper, heres my reason:

The Z06 is nice but still lacks anything in the way of styling that a GTS has in spades. Performance of the Z06 is a big move up, but, I need to see the engine last. One thing it does have (and I love) is the dry sump. Suspension on the Z06 - must and should have been fully coil - adjustable like the ACR - instead they gave me a cheap composite leaf spring, a suspension NOOOBODY uses in the club racing even in the C6R racecar - poor choice and turns me off. Brakes...need replacing on purchase to actually last - I think the engineers should have just bought SRT-10 brakes (Brembos) - they would have been fine. Weight, home run.

I won't even consider a forced car for driving hard - so the Z07 or "stingray" or "blue Devil" are just not the right direction..Fine for drags but not an engine I would trust GM will warranty when it blows up at the track. Better to take that car out with 5ltr mustang on NOS.

It is DC's turn - it has the displacement, it has the engineering talent. Carbon Fiber is now far cheaper than it has ever been and DC has experience with Hand assembly - so my view is go 550 cube, make it lazy , which would contrast nicely (read hp war) to the GM's 8000 rpm, drop the weight (3000 is doable on ACR SRT-10) - charge extra for the ACR, and then force GM to use a blower. Heck if you will pay for options, just make the cutomer check boxes and pay the frieght - it is gravy to DC. PAG allows you buy CUSTOM paint for about 4K!!! Kermit Green? sure, Purple? no problem? Murcielago perl organge - seen it.
That is how to make money and get happy customers.

Then, Roe or Paxton can sell ACR SRT-10 owners a blower to work on the 550 cubes - I think you know the result. Are you weeping now? Dop you think thy have the **** to do this?? I hope so.

Do I have passion, you bet, do these guys have passion? No Doubts at all.

I hope this thread lasts forever to keep DC and GM at it!!!!