Hello Guys, thank you for your responses, sharing a "little of your love" is not that much to ask

I fully understand your point: It has been a long and lonely road but the future is always bright for those of us that won’t give up.
Few things that most people don't know about us
1- We ship ALL of our orders the same day.
2- Every package goes out Priority shipping at no extra cost to the customer.
3- Every Package goes out with an FREE promotional item and I'm not talking junk, if you order a wax and prewax we figured that a car shampoo will be a good addition.
We don't claim to have the BEST product out there, that doesn't exist period, take for example some of those products that some people "claim" to be the BEST, after you have learn the complicated steps, take away the "aid" of another product to make that product good, now what do you have? But that’s another story.
If we provide a good service with a good product we feel that there’s a place for us in the marketplace.
I'm afraid to replay because it will be longer than a simple sentence

Our car shampoo is one of our BEST-sellers; 1/4oz per 3 gallons of water is all you need. What makes our shampoo much better is the lubricant that has on it. BUT like any other products you have to be the judge, if you want to give it a try I extend the same offer as I did to all others.
As you can see I'm a bad businessperson, either our products are that bad that we can afford to give them away OR we are that confident on how they perform.

ViperTony Send me your address I already know the outcome.
Thank you Guys