Read article that Formula 1 is now open to Traction and Start Control. The difference? At the start of the race, the driver holds the engine at 15,000 rpm and pushes the "S" button to start the race. They said the teams that have it working best will pick up 4 positions on the start....
Also, Start Control was simpler than Traction control because during start, the computer has complete control of the engine and clutch.
I think they said TC was illegal in 2000 but since the whole thing was done within the ECU, there was virtually no way to police it. So it was legalized in 2001. They also the allowed, I believe, wheel velocity sensors which greatly facilitate TC.
It's interesting that F1 teams are not all "up on the curve" when it comes to TC and SC. So I guess that tells us where we and our Vipers are....
And the TC in my 98 Z28 is very, very crude. It will keep you from donuting your car on the ice though.