Yea, but are you paranoid if they REALLY are after you?.....

Yea, but are you paranoid if they REALLY are after you?.....
Drat,caught again.thats all I have to say
Hey Tim,
I have been looking through all the cool stuff I have from you and well.... you done good wit the speling on dat stuf, and even if not i'd stil luv it da sam.
To funny,thanks Mark.Now I am checking all my work.Thank gawd vippir is an easy one not to misspell!
I believe his name is TIN ... good catch Robert~!!!!![]()
Drat,caught again.
I did catch that mistake ,but wanted to see if any one else did.So I left it with out an edit...
Tim,Tin,just dont call me Rin.
Oh Oh,my proof reader is missing mistakes!Pay reduction for you in the near future.
You guys are brutal........I am cracking up here. know we love ya...and yes, this is FUNNNNNNN...though I'm bad...and you caught your mistake.......oh THAT is REALLLLLY FUNNNNNY~!!!
Yep, my bad, I didn't catch it and I offered to proofread for you...40-lashes...wait, I might enjoy that too much!!!You're a great sport, Rin-Tim-Tin...
RINTINTIM makes many typos,Looking for new proof reader!My new ad I am going to put in the New York Times.Does it sound okay?
Seems the one I have is slipping on the job.
awwwww...I have lost my job...... my own fault....*sigh*
Now you made me feel bad!Took the add out of paper.Do you want your old job back?PAAALLLEEEZZEEE
awwwww...I have lost my job...... my own fault....*sigh*
Now you made me feel bad!Took the add out of paper.Do you want your old job back?PAAALLLEEEZZEEE
OKAY...I'll take the job much do I get paid???
(Actually I gladly take on this challenge for FREE as it's just toooo darned much fun) ~julesnewlyrehiredbyformeremployerforFREELAUGHS
OKAY...I'll take the job much do I get paid???
(Actually I gladly take on this challenge for FREE as it's just toooo darned much fun) ~julesnewlyrehiredbyformeremployerforFREELAUGHS
Well I did subtract the "add" from the paper so it's not a misspelling is it?......
The pay is a buck three eighty an hour paid once a year.So keep a record of your hours.
Well I did subtract the "add" from the paper so it's not a misspelling is it?......
The pay is a buck three eighty an hour paid once a year.So keep a record of your hours.
GOOD ONE! Glad to be of really DO have quite the gift!
Oh stop!!! Please.... can't breath.... laughing too hard....sides hurt!! Falling off my couch now....Ohh my face hurts from laughing too!!
ok I can breath again. please commence funny banter.
These items are going to be given away as random acts of kindness that weekend.So this will be my first random act.
Now if every one would do one random act of kindness the world would be a better place.So I am starting it here.Any one else?
PM me your addy and specify color.
All the other ones WILL BE GIVEN AWAY WHEN THE VIPERS INVADE NIAGRA<did I spell that right?.......
Okay, my FIRST random act of kindness...."I VOW NOT TO CORRECT TIM's misspelling of NIAGARA today"'s that????![]()
I totally agree with random acts of kindness and try to do that wherever I go...kudos to YOU for giving these masterpieces away, Tim~!!! YOU ROCK!!!!
Tis okay, you do not need to mail one to me...that is an expense...give 'em to the people who will attend, that'll be awesome! THANK YOU....juliwhowillnotcorrecttim
Ah, Tim, you are too kind to this BADDDDDDDD girl~!!!! You do colors too?!! YOU are a genius!
I wonder if you DO know what color I'd 'really' like??? hmmmmm...
juliwhodeeplyappreciatesyourhumor/talents/generosity...muchos gracias![]()
Don't know for sure what color you really like.But I will use my best judgment.
And you are a BAAAADDD goil too?.......Well then I didn't realize I was conversing with a ( gasp) naughty girl...........You seem so innocent.
YEP, I be haven't NOTICED?????
I'm SO glad I came across as 'innodecent'......
WHATEVER color you come up with will be fine with me...a clue:
What color Viper did we 'used' to have?
THANK YOU...funconversingwithtim
Black..........and once you go bla...............nevermind......
Yes Julie, you are about as innocent as me.
But I am laughing with this silly *** thread.
Yep, I be as innocent as you be....
I am also laughing over this thread...look how FAR it's gone...
Typo aside, superb work! What would a custom dash plaque cost? Have you produced Viper trinkets before? I suspect many Viper owners would love a "Built For [or "Handmade For"]....." plaque, or perhaps something more generic, like "Vettes are for *******."[/quote]
Okay, not touching that one!!! (I have a Vette) ~julibenotapuss
Tim can chime in with his OTHER awesome work he has done~!!!![]()
Typo aside, superb work! What would a custom dash plaque cost? Have you produced Viper trinkets before? I suspect many Viper owners would love a "Built For [or "Handmade For"]....." plaque, or perhaps something more generic, like "Vettes are for *******."