Being what I consider an 'active' member of this club, I'm going to put a little different spin on this subject. I'm all for spending money on our members. As a point of fact, I'll pretty much bet nobody in our club travels further or does more with their car(s) than we do......79,000 miles to date. Road tracks, autocrosses, cross country trips, superchargers........the whole deal. Typically, we make several Viper trips to club events in Detroit every year.. That's a 1000 mile round trip for us. We are satisfied with the way monies are spent even though we miss several of the subsidized events due to distance. Is the system perfect? No. there's always room for improvement in any organization. New ideas are always welcome. The subject of how much is spent as opposed to fund balance has been discussed a fair amount the last year or so. I believe it is being addressed properly, and in a prudent well thought out manner.
We've driven to two far away VOIs and I do think that everyone should get to one for the experience. However; monies should not be used to defray individual costs for the VOI. If you want to go -- go. I could end up wrong, but I think there could be many less MCVO people attending this event than either the brunch or wine tour to name a couple. Cost / September timing thing with school....always an issue for some / schedule of events (great schedule for out of towners) could have something to do with it. Most of the venues listed for this VOI are not new things for Detroit Viper folks.......or even us in the UP. We've already done them.......and at zero or minimal cost. I'm not going to debate the VOI cost, but let's just say that we can and will do all the other MCVO events (6 as of now) we do each season for less than the cost of the VOI. It's a no brainer to me. Doing the VOI would mean we couldn't do something else....either this coming summer or next winter. Defraying the cost even a couple hundred dollars isn't nearly enough to get us there. It's also just too darn big and cumbersome. As for the fun factor---there is no difference to us between the VOIs and other well attended MCVO events. Dream Cruise Weekend and the Wine Tour come to mind. Like any car club, Viper events boil down to the people, the event itself is a side bar of sorts. I think our club monies are better spent defraying the cost of events that are more within reach of most members. Should there be more club money spent on subsidy?........possibly in some areas. Except for the VOI, I believe I would be safe in saying that there is no other MCVO club planned event that all members couldn't easily swing financially. Timing and interest are another matter. We've belonged to the MCVO for over 8 years now. Those that run the club are doing a fine job. Much selfless volunteer work and planning goes into making our club the success it is. To me, the VOI is not the be all / end all of 'Viperdom' to speak. Personally, I like our multiple smaller summer events much better than the huge VOIs. Whether the Viper is made any longer or not (I hope it is, but it's certainly questionable), ......... local Viper clubs all over the world will be around for a long time to come doing the same fun things every year. I believe our money is better spent subsidizing these smaller events rather than the VOI ......which only a very small portion of our club will, or would be able, to attend.
Keep in mind also that being the host club may incur some cost well as lots of planning and coordination. That is undetermined at this point.
Mike, perhaps you could volunteer to help plan and man whatever local 'hosting' may come about? That would immediately get you more involved in the nuts and bolts of the operation.
This type of expenditure would be a better use of some club monies for the VOI rather than individual subsidies. All MCVO members would be eligible to attend such a thing regardless of VOI sign up.