I was just reading an article about Hulk Hogan's son, and was wondering who all the celebrity's and other famous/in-famous people that own(ed) a Viper are.
1. Nick Bollea (Hulk Hogan's kid).
2. Jon Bon Jovi (Don't know if he still has it)
3. Chris Farley (Goes on sale every 3 months on ebay)
4. Chuck Norris (may be a rumor, but supposidly he round house kicked it and it bit him back - now that takes balls, even for a car).
1. Nick Bollea (Hulk Hogan's kid).
2. Jon Bon Jovi (Don't know if he still has it)
3. Chris Farley (Goes on sale every 3 months on ebay)
4. Chuck Norris (may be a rumor, but supposidly he round house kicked it and it bit him back - now that takes balls, even for a car).