I am ONE person on this planet that completely disagrees with that way of thinking. People that feel that way to me are the same ones that let their kids crawl all over the car, people sit on the fenders. park anywhere they can squeeze it into a parking spot, don't worry about the front bumping against a parking curb or the car in front of yours, don't worry about washing the love bugs off the front or if its dirty when your go somewheres in it, I could go on and and....its just a car...something just to go fromn point A to point B...It don't need Mobil 1 oil, just give me the cheapest oil you have, oil is oil,....etc etc...
I have had beautiful show cars, hot rods, keyed, had one someone poured a gallon of paint on it from front to rear, eggs thrown on them , globs of nasty spit on them, one was bricked from front to rear, windows broke out, one was shot at , valve stems cut,beer poured on them......There are some sorry sorry people out there and in my brain if I had caught any off those that did those things to my cars...I would have tried my best to put them out of their misery and sent them to their maker. I take messing with my personal belongings VERY serious and I have NEVER messed with other peoples belongings that I didn't like. If they arn't man enough to come up to your face and go behind your back and mess with your pride and joy they are a COWARD and I have NO pity for their sorry butt once they cross that line... I apologize for speaking my real feelings about this subject. I really am a nice guy EXCEPT when a piece of garbage crosses that line. You are probly thinking...A car is not worth taking a life....In my brain when someone stoops that low I forget they are a human being. Maybe after 24 months in the jungle in Vietnam in the Marines has destroyed my being able to be compassionate for this kind of low life. I might be the most hated man on this website after this but I want everyone to know that if they have the thought its just a car.......They better hope they NEVER run into someone else that may feel about their CAR like I do. YES I AM CAR CRAZY!!