I happen to know for a fact SRT did not evaluate Michelin for the GEN V. They never had a chance to! When the tire contract came out on the GEN V, Michelin did not even tender a response bid. This is right from the high altitude SRT test team out here in Colorado for the GEN V. While Michelin tires are vastly superior to Pirelli tires (IMHO anyway and the series on the GEN V now), it is hard to establish a supply chain contract for the tire when the supply company refuses to bid on the tire contract and the company's Alliance supply chain contract is Pirelli period.
HOWEVER in 1992 when Lutz was forced to come up with a tire for the Viper and Chrysler only had Alliiance contracts with Goodyear or Goodridge or whoever, Lutz put his foot down and said it is Michelin or nothing, as Michelin was the top perfoming tire at the time. That is how Michelins ended up on a Chrysler product like the Viper. Come to think of it, it was around Halloween time and instead of bringing a huge trailor to the contract testing like Goodyear, Michelin showed up with only a few sets wrapped in Trick or Treat Halloween orange bags. They then walked away with the top performance tire, hands down. It was no contest!
In the end, something happened to the Viper-Michelin relationship and no matter what, that needs to be repaired. It could be something going way back to tire supply to a Ferrari or something in parent FIAT. In the end, there are two ways of solving this:
1. Repair the Michelin relationship and try to set up a contract to supply the car with the tires it desperately needs ASAP.
2. Pirelli needs to step up and provide the Viper with it's top performing tire ASAP, period.
The current Pirelli's are a joke, like most other Pirelli's I have owned over the years. Not worth the powder to blow them to hell. Maybe the top of the line series are much different and can be adapted to Viper sizes and supplied. What does SRT care if they only last 2,000 miles. If the car is tracked there is no warranty anyway. If it helps show better numbers and that sells cars, then that is what you do. Sell the best damn cars you can which was Lutz philosophy!
The problem from a business sense is one thing, what we need is for Lutz type decisions to be made like the absolute use of a vastly superior tire even if that supplier is not in the supply chain currently. Again as I have stated, SRT needs to go back to Laguna with the same car, run it out and sort it out, then do so on Pirellis as supplied and then on trusted Michelins. That will tell them what they need to know. They might as well have Pirelli step up and supply them with the top of the line series tire in the right sizes as well. Compare that and that does not cost millions of dollars to do so.
In the end, if someone is paying $150K for their Viper or a different tire price to bring it up to $152.5K with top of the line Pirellis, I do not think there is a sole out there that would not choose the extra $2.5K to ensure they have a vastly superior tire or one that could pick up 1.5 seconds at the Laguna at that ultimate car price. Same rationale for the Carbon Brake option. Even at a price diference of $7.5K for CBs with credit for those front brakes what the Viper now has, it at least presents the option for those that want it or need it. To many, $7.5k extra when you are paying $150K for a car in order to pick up another 1.5 seconds around Laguna is worth it.
So if you are paying $150K for this new Viper or even $100k for the base SRT and it is 3 seconds from where it should, you pay an extra $10k and pick up 3 seconds around Laguna in either Viper model. If that is important to you, that is the easiest, cheapest and best $10k you have ever spent. It only makes perfect sense.
In the stratesphere numbers the new Viper has now jumped up into, these options like this, you might was well make them available. The Carbon Brakes option makes perfect sense as you are already jumping on the Alliance supply chain contract Ferrari has in place, just as you did with Sabelt. Now is the time to test it and offer it. Who cares about the timing, etc. people just want the best Viper they can get. It does not cost millions of dollars to have a Ferrari-based carbon front brake set up for the Viper. Custom Caliper mounting and custom hat for the front rotors and then run it. Cheap assurance to ensure you have the best offered.
In the end, you just don't scrimp on the final details like this on a car this expensive now. It makes zero sense to do so. Complete the metamorphsis! If the car was under $100K for the car with options, okay scrimp to keep it there, but the cost has now jumped up to where leaving it out is more harm than good. People expect a lot more for a $150K car than a $75K car or $91K Viper. The cost of the new car has changed the game now. It has changed everything as people who have this kind of money simply will not tolerate inferior parts. We could justify it before as the car was under $100K. There is zero reason to justify it now at the numbers it is at.
But what do I know, I am just an "enthusiast" now.