Greg B
Viper Owner
Was Looking at a ****** Passport SR7 + SR7 Laser detection. Is this difficult to install? can you see the Laser sensors mounted on the vehicle? How does it mount inside the car? Are there better ones out there?
Most guys here seem to use Valentine One. I dont use
one at all because I'm afraid I'll get overly confident and
if it fails at some crazy speed, I'm toast
You learn a V1. It's like a well used tool; you can hear it "speak to you"....there is a cop up there. False it may, more than some perhaps, but I would feel naked without it. None compare IMO.
Door openers run on the same frequencies as police radar, so, this implies it would indeed pick up on cop radar at a longer ranger than your Bel, at least on this frequency. Perhaps you are comparing X-band (most door openers) to K or Ka band.Yep, my V1 will pick up automatic door openers wwaaaaaayy farther away than my Bel RX 65. It just doesn't pick up cop radar at any longer range than the Bel. I do like the arrows though.