Interested in what is happening in YOUR regional area? VCA Members can now post in their very own regional forums! Take a look at the main forums and scroll down to Regional Forums. They are listed in alphabetical order (US, Canada, Europe, & Japan all grouped together) and are a great place to connect up with LOCAL VCA members.
Not a VCA member? Well, you can read the forums but cannot post there - we are trying to avoid unsolicited ads and spamming in those forums.
And for those that are worried about all of that monitor "real estate" they take up, here is a nifty new feature with this software: You can go to any section header on the main forums pages (General Viper Discussion, Archives, Regional, Comp Coupe, etc.) and click the little arrow/carrot on the far right. Voila! It "collapses" that entire section so that you don't have to scroll past those you might not be interested in seeing.
Another cool trick with this new software? Look at the bottom right corner of the page from any forum or post you are viewing (not writing) and you will see a nifty little thing that says "Forum Jump". Just click the drop down menu and "jump" to any forum you like. Cool, eh?
We hope you enjoy these new features and keep watching for more!
PS. Please try to let the folks from the respective regions start posting there first and confine your posts to your region. The main discussion forums is where we mix 'em up!
Not a VCA member? Well, you can read the forums but cannot post there - we are trying to avoid unsolicited ads and spamming in those forums.
And for those that are worried about all of that monitor "real estate" they take up, here is a nifty new feature with this software: You can go to any section header on the main forums pages (General Viper Discussion, Archives, Regional, Comp Coupe, etc.) and click the little arrow/carrot on the far right. Voila! It "collapses" that entire section so that you don't have to scroll past those you might not be interested in seeing.
Another cool trick with this new software? Look at the bottom right corner of the page from any forum or post you are viewing (not writing) and you will see a nifty little thing that says "Forum Jump". Just click the drop down menu and "jump" to any forum you like. Cool, eh?
We hope you enjoy these new features and keep watching for more!
PS. Please try to let the folks from the respective regions start posting there first and confine your posts to your region. The main discussion forums is where we mix 'em up!