My point Mr. fellow CEO is that let's deal with reality and NOT perception. The REALITY is that there is not a single negative comment on this site regarding Woodhouse. So what business logic would make you want to assume that the sky is falling over Nebraska. One negative comment!!! Sorry if you don't like the ebay analogy! And as to your last comment..."You want to make all your business decisions based on reality only.....good luck!" Yes I absolutely do want to make all my business decisions based on reality, and if YOU don't start subscribing to that you won't be in business much longer. Torque, would you like to add your comments to this theory about reality? I mean really, give me a major break here, we're gonna make business decisions based on PERCEPTION? Did the man really say this? And then, after another reread of this nonsense, you're gonna make decisions based on EMOTION?!! Torquie, help me with this guy quick, he needs some consulting!
You sound like one of those guys that believes everything in the world is either black or white. I'll be in business long after you if you believe that perception and emotion do not factor into wise business decisions. Are you doing business with people or robots as customers? Do people have emotions? Do emotions contribute to a person's perception of reality? You're the one that needs a consultant unless all you're doing is selling black or white widgets!

You guys are a riot!
Actually you are both right, but your perceptions of what you are meaning by using the same terms are different so it appears you are disagreeing. What Joe said about reality is right - it INCLUDES emotion because try as we might humans can never be perfectly objective, only a computer can operate soley on brutal logic.
Our brains take stuff in and process it - but although you and I take in the same stimuli - say we're looking at the same business scenario - we will each process those stimuli competely differently. We may come up with the same conclusions, but how we got there will be unique for each of us.
James Newman in his book "Unleash Your Brakes" shows how our brains first perceive, then associate, then evaluate, then decide - at a conscious level. Behind all that is the unconscious level of our "reality base" where there are automatic activities, conflict resolution and processes going on. MOre than that - listen to this...
"To the degree that you experience an event vividly in your imagination, it is accepted and recorded subconsciously as "reality" - something that has actually happened!"
So somthing happens in your past and you make a judgment on it with the half information you have - you PICTURE what you think happened. Later that picture is your reality and will be your automatic frame of reference next time you face the same situation or person etc.
Nevertheless - as said - a good businessperson will try to over-rule their "feelings" to be able to see how the facts stack up and rule on the facts. That makes sense - if we were ruled by our feelings all the time we'd be nuerotic, and Devil Dog won't have become successful by gut feelings alone. However the point is none of us EVER have all the facts and perfect information - therefore there is always judgment to be made and therefore -emotion is involved and we'd need a good reason to over-rule a very strong feeling - we'd need something stronger to overcome it.
I think I just confused myself