Dear Mr. Moodoozoolooski,
Yep, while at a typical Viper Days Party, I had the overly large trouz I was wearing hanked down to my ankles. I was on the phone to a prospective customer , so of course I just stood there, finished my conversation , and asked the waitress for another glass of Cabernet - it was a 97 Kendall Jackson in case you wanted to know. The Police were called as it was noticed that someone had stolen my *** - in other words while you were plumping up over the hard , cold winter, I was taking some weight out of my car the easy way. Since I now have no *** , how are you going to catch it? I am looking forward to seeing if you can get beyond mid-pack at Mid -Ohio and hopefully by then you can purchase a telescope, as that is the only way you will be able to see my asp, as we will be so far ahead of you. Go play Boy Scout now , as I will be running Prepared, so Be Prepared to plant your fat asp into your SlowSnake ,as you will soon be the butt of these jokes.
Kiknasp and takin names,
War of the 98 Red GTS's
Sincerely Yours,
Vilhelm Von Viperton