Viper vs. Z06 1/4 mile time question

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Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
(But now we magically have Zs running at 800 ft DA that trap 125 and 126 and are supposedly stock cars. Bull****. Every other example on your list traps 121-122 in these conditions.)

Yeah genius your statement was so technical I thought I would post it again so I could read it correctly! I don't know where you live in Fla, but there are guys there running high mph, here is a timeslip from a guy that just posted his bonestock 09 Z06.
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General Motors advertised mph is 125 mph and the determining factor on the list I provided is traction and I am not talking about 60' alone as the runflats have a tendency to break traction in 2nd and 3rd gear. If you look at the list's I provided and you look at the bone stock with tire list all the cars are trapping high 120's because the tires take the driver effect out of the equation to a great extent as far as tractibility goes. And mph has many determining factors as stated by some on this thread, and I am also one that doesn't belieive in calculators as the law and simply posted dragtimes because you said you had done your research and I didn't agree with that either.
The bottom line is the best drivers in the best weather run the best mph and et's period!

All this does is support my argument. I WAS AT THIS TRACT THIS NIGHT making record runs in my stock viper (it would only trap 123). The DA ranged from -1000 to -1400 feet. And again, if this is the car I am thinking of IT WASN'T STOCK. I watched one run with a CAR I KNOW PERSONALLY with headers, exhaust, intake cam and drag radials run 11.10 at 130. I guess all those mods were only worth 1 mph. I love how if someone posts a time slip and says its stock it apparently is as you can see the car with your x ray vision from Maryland. There were 3 Z06s there this night and I don't think ANY OF THEM WERE STOCK. I have never disputed the times run by Zs. I am disputing they were all run by STOCK cars. As stated previously I own a corvette also. I used to run it in the corvette challenge at this track and know all kinds of people running late model vettes. And I also know all the sneaky **** they used to pull and call it stock. I know it is such an unbelievable concept to grasp that some people are running these cars, posting great times, saying there stock and then the driver actually modding the car and not telling anyone. Give me a break.


Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
How about this Speedfreak. We can organize a track rental here in Houston. You buy a 1-way ticket and fly over. You can inspect the car, or even bring a GM expert with you. Also, bring maybe a grand in cash to keep it interesting. If my car is not stock (you can even check the tune) I'll give you a grand and pay for your flight home. If you are wrong, you fork over the cash when I bust off some mid-11s with ease. I probably ran 5 passes in a row in the 11.6 range, car never got cool enough to get another 11.5 that day. Most passes were 123-124 mph.

Let me help explain why your HP calculator isn't going to be accurate. I want to see if you understand this little chart I whipped up. If both of the cars in this following chart weigh the same, have the same gearing, and both make the same peak HP, which one would be faster? Blue car or Red car?

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Nine,if you want count me in for a grand but iam backing you.The above is EASY MONEY.

I love it. I use the data you guys provide and analyze it and it doesn't support the facts you state. So then lets just change the facts. I know it is really reaching here to think that I could possibly know anything about drag racing, horsepower, torque curves, atmoshperic conditions, etc. Apparently only you 3 guys could know anything about these topics. I assume your curves are trying to illustrate the differences in average torque and horsepower generated by two cars with the same peak horsepower. In your example the redlined car spanks the blue car in a quarter mile all day long assuming optimal gearing are in both cars. It is my understanding, though, that it is the Viper and not the Z that has the most area under the curve in its HP rating with a very flat torque curve from 2k to redline. Again, this does not improve the theoretical case for the Z either.

I don't need to fly to Houston to illustrate my point. I can simply go down to Ft. Lauderdale Exotic cars and rent a Z06 for the day and take it to the track. I know that car will be stock. I am not disputing the times the Z runs I am disputing whether they were run with stock cars. I am sure you can run mid 11's in your Z all day long. My original issue with you was doing so with a 2.1 short time.


Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
all three of you are making some good points.:2tu:

nineball, i like the crude graph:2tu:


Viper Owner
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
all three of you are making some good points.:2tu:

nineball, i like the crude graph:2tu:

Nineball's right I don't understand why people still don't get this. Every couple of years these same arguments happen with different platforms.

I have seen at least 5 Z06's go faster then Nineball's BONE PAPER FILTER STOCK at Cecil County raceway this last season. These are cars and people that I have known for years as well.

I can also vouch for Nineball I have known him for over a decade and we used to race together way back in the day.

Anyways Nice Graph Tony:rolaugh:


Oct 20, 2006
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San Jose, CA area
A couple of observations:

The magazines are spot-on for non-prepped, non-powershifted results at zero-DA conditions. If a C6Z can't run mid elevens with a decent 60ft, its either the poor conditions or the driver.

A lighter car (by 300lbs+ ) with more aggressive gearing is going to get a better 60ft and in many cases a lower ET than a higher horsepower car.

If the Z-06 can cut a better 60ft than the Viper, that is a fundamental advantage that is tough to overcome (see above).

I'm thinking the the 100lbs = 10hp = .1 ET "rule of thumb" starts to diminish in validity in the low-11second, mid/high 120mph range.

The Viperclub desperately needs a "Fast List" sticky thread like this one:
The C6 Z06 Fast List - Corvette Forum

It seems there is only one documented sub-11sec run on stock tires for a stock Z-06. Now if the conditions were identical to Mr. Furmans 11.07 @ 130mph ACR run - what does that tell you? The Z-06 is quicker, but the Viper is faster. Again, weight and gearing.

Its quite rare for a track to be open on a 39 degree day and with that temperature, excellent track prep is a necessity for safety. Which then will translate to potential for excellent 60ft times. i.e. the "Perfect Storm".

Also, speculating here, at most tracks, you cannot have a crew member spray VHT on tires AFTER a burnout, either.

Looking at the fast list, bolt-ons don't SEEM to make a difference OR indicate "cheating". But this is NOT the case. It is a MOOT point unless runs are made at the same track on the same day.

Line them both up from a roll and it will be a different story. The Viper will pull. The weight advantage of the Z drops, the 60ft factor is negated.

Personally, I don't see what the problem is.

Anyone try some 60-130mph runs for comparison?
6speedonline 1/4 mile and 60-130 mph standings - Forums
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Flying Viper

Jan 3, 2002
Reaction score

next you'll will be arguing over who's father is stronger


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
I love it. I use the data you guys provide and analyze it and it doesn't support the facts you state. So then lets just change the facts. I know it is really reaching here to think that I could possibly know anything about drag racing, horsepower, torque curves, atmoshperic conditions, etc. Apparently only you 3 guys could know anything about these topics. I assume your curves are trying to illustrate the differences in average torque and horsepower generated by two cars with the same peak horsepower. In your example the redlined car spanks the blue car in a quarter mile all day long assuming optimal gearing are in both cars. It is my understanding, though, that it is the Viper and not the Z that has the most area under the curve in its HP rating with a very flat torque curve from 2k to redline. Again, this does not improve the theoretical case for the Z either.

I don't need to fly to Houston to illustrate my point. I can simply go down to Ft. Lauderdale Exotic cars and rent a Z06 for the day and take it to the track. I know that car will be stock. I am not disputing the times the Z runs I am disputing whether they were run with stock cars. I am sure you can run mid 11's in your Z all day long. My original issue with you was doing so with a 2.1 short time.
So your basically saying that the road test(Super Chevy) in which Smith ran the 11.5 in 100 degree heat involved a Z06 that was not stock.Thats simply not true

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I love it. I use the data you guys provide and analyze it and it doesn't support the facts you state. So then lets just change the facts. I know it is really reaching here to think that I could possibly know anything about drag racing, horsepower, torque curves, atmoshperic conditions, etc. Apparently only you 3 guys could know anything about these topics. I assume your curves are trying to illustrate the differences in average torque and horsepower generated by two cars with the same peak horsepower. In your example the redlined car spanks the blue car in a quarter mile all day long assuming optimal gearing are in both cars. It is my understanding, though, that it is the Viper and not the Z that has the most area under the curve in its HP rating with a very flat torque curve from 2k to redline. Again, this does not improve the theoretical case for the Z either.

If you claim to know this stuff, then why do you continue to use HP calculators to support your conclusion? You can't possibly agree with what you wrote above (multiple variables) and just make a blanket statement about calculated peak HP. Keep in mind that this Z06 is still 7.0L and has nice broad HP/TQ curves, it's redline is 7K rpm and you use every bit of it. As an avid drag racer, you'd get shunned at the track if you start busting out the HP calculators to gauge performance. Those things are worthless for anything but bench racing.

I don't need to fly to Houston to illustrate my point. I can simply go down to Ft. Lauderdale Exotic cars and rent a Z06 for the day and take it to the track. I know that car will be stock. I am not disputing the times the Z runs I am disputing whether they were run with stock cars. I am sure you can run mid 11's in your Z all day long. My original issue with you was doing so with a 2.1 short time.

Well then, please go rent one! If you can drive your way out of a wet paper bag, you should have no problem clicking off some 11s and mid-120s with it. If not, buy my plane ticket and I'll come show you how to do it in person. All it takes is practice and slightly nice air.

I really have no reason to BS about my track times, this series of testing is to establish a baseline BEFORE I mod the car. I'm writing up a series of magazine test articles on the car and the mods. That being the case, it would actually benefit me and my parts sponsors if I established SLOWER times up front, to make their parts look more impressive. I've purposely left the car stock for now, as I still want to get one more track visit and go even quicker. If it happens, great, if not - no biggie.

You have a lot of nerve calling people liars when you don't even know them. I guarantee I could establish my automotive credibility, as well as my reputation for no-nonsense and honest reporting.



Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Its truely obsurd that people are trying to deny something that was basically a forgone conclusion YEARS AGO.The problem is they argue from behind their computers but NEVER at the racetrack.Tell you whatIam going to do though ,the VERY NEXT Major Viper event at Englishtown i am going to make it a point to get a STOCK Z06 there ( HAVE A VCA OFFICER VERIFY ITS BONE STOCK )and have Smith or Furman (if hes around )run one mid 11 after another after another for ALL to witness then maybe this will finally be settled


Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
If you claim to know this stuff, then why do you continue to use HP calculators to support your conclusion? You can't possibly agree with what you wrote above (multiple variables) and just make a blanket statement about calculated peak HP. Keep in mind that this Z06 is still 7.0L and has nice broad HP/TQ curves, it's redline is 7K rpm and you use every bit of it. As an avid drag racer, you'd get shunned at the track if you start busting out the HP calculators to gauge performance. Those things are worthless for anything but bench racing.

Well then, please go rent one! If you can drive your way out of a wet paper bag, you should have no problem clicking off some 11s and mid-120s with it. If not, buy my plane ticket and I'll come show you how to do it in person. All it takes is practice and slightly nice air.

I really have no reason to BS about my track times, this series of testing is to establish a baseline BEFORE I mod the car. I'm writing up a series of magazine test articles on the car and the mods. That being the case, it would actually benefit me and my parts sponsors if I established SLOWER times up front, to make their parts look more impressive. I've purposely left the car stock for now, as I still want to get one more track visit and go even quicker. If it happens, great, if not - no biggie.

You have a lot of nerve calling people liars when you don't even know them. I guarantee I could establish my automotive credibility, as well as my reputation for no-nonsense and honest reporting.


Is it really that threatening to you Vette guys not to have it reign supremely over the Viper and not be a high 10 to low 11 second stock car in the hands of a novice? I figured it was only a matter of time before the character assasination started when all other avenues were exhausted based on fact, real world timeslips and observations and accepted formulas for calculating horespower, torque, e.t. and trap speed. After all what is left after that?

Lets recap.

I have apparently done the unthinkable by suggesting that ANY Z06 running in a quarter mile with a trap speed of 125 or over in subpar weather conditions might not be stock and that we should view that e.t. with caution as a representation of a stock car.

1. I have not only used horsepower calculators to support my conclusions. I have used Jamie and the Corvette forums own list of purported fast times for stock z06s. My own witnessing of Z06s at my track as recently as a week ago and my experience watching them run and talking to owners during my own corvette challenge racing at the same track over the course of a couple of years. This must come as an incredible surprise to some of the forum members that not all drag racers tell the truth about their times or what mods have been done to their cars. I apologize. The next z06 owner that tells me he ran a 10.50 @ 140 in his bone stock car I will just accept. I wouldnt' dare insult him by asking for a time slip, look under his hood, ask if anyone else saw it or any other type of independent verification or analysis. And certainly I wouldn't dream of expecting the laws of physics to apply.

2. Apparently any form of mathmatical calculations relating to drag racing performance, e.g. e.t., rear wheel horsepower production and trap speed are just pure fantasy and bench racing. So apparently horsepower produced by an engine and e.t have no relationship. Trap speed has no relationship to the horsepower a vehicle produces. Atmospheric conditions have no relationship to horsepower output. Vehicle weight has no relationship to e.t. Likewise any dyno testing on a stand or on a chassis dyno will not have any predictive relationship to how fast the car will run the 1/4 mile. Oh, I forgot that one caveat that when I use any of these useless formulas to analyze my own Viper's performance they are highly accurate in supporting performance conclusions and changes but they clearly do not work on the "magic" Z06.

3. Conversely, I almost forgot about the nonrelationship between 60' time and e.t. also. From now on when a Z06 owner tells me he ran an 11.4 @ 128 with a 2.4 short time I will congratulate him.

3. I am quite sure after a few thousand drag strip passes myself and running 11.8s all night long in my stock 06 at 119 in subpar weather with 1.8 short times that I can't drive my way out of a paper bag. Moreover, I am sure if I rented the vette took it to track and it didn't turn 11.50's at 125+ it would most assuredly be my incapable driving. It could never be that the stock z06 I happened to be in simply didn't have the power.

Lastly, 9ball I never called you a liar. I said I found your 11.55 at 125 with a 2.1 short with DA weather of 700 feet very hard to believe. I still do. You never provided a timeslip just some summary of your event. But I also said you could have an exceptionally strong z06. They do exist in every vehicle made. There are always a small percentage of any make that have all the right pieces in all the right places and will out perform the average car of the same make. And you clearly are a good driver. That being said it does not negate my well reasoned, logical and analytic review of every other Z06 on the planet.


Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
If you claim to know this stuff, then why do you continue to use HP calculators to support your conclusion? You can't possibly agree with what you wrote above (multiple variables) and just make a blanket statement about calculated peak HP. Keep in mind that this Z06 is still 7.0L and has nice broad HP/TQ curves, it's redline is 7K rpm and you use every bit of it. As an avid drag racer, you'd get shunned at the track if you start busting out the HP calculators to gauge performance. Those things are worthless for anything but bench racing.

Well then, please go rent one! If you can drive your way out of a wet paper bag, you should have no problem clicking off some 11s and mid-120s with it. If not, buy my plane ticket and I'll come show you how to do it in person. All it takes is practice and slightly nice air.

I really have no reason to BS about my track times, this series of testing is to establish a baseline BEFORE I mod the car. I'm writing up a series of magazine test articles on the car and the mods. That being the case, it would actually benefit me and my parts sponsors if I established SLOWER times up front, to make their parts look more impressive. I've purposely left the car stock for now, as I still want to get one more track visit and go even quicker. If it happens, great, if not - no biggie.

You have a lot of nerve calling people liars when you don't even know them. I guarantee I could establish my automotive credibility, as well as my reputation for no-nonsense and honest reporting.


So your basically saying that the road test(Super Chevy) in which Smith ran the 11.5 in 100 degree heat involved a Z06 that was not stock.Thats simply not true

I don't know if it was stock or not. I do not question the time he ran. I am sure it is true. I have been saying that SOME of the Z06 times represented as stock runs do not appear to be a stock car based on the various analysis I have provided. That is all.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know if it was stock or not. I do not question the time he ran. I am sure it is true. I have been saying that SOME of the Z06 times represented as stock runs do not appear to be a stock car based on the various analysis I have provided. That is all.
Speed the car was stock.If you doubt me Email me with your phone number and i will have Evan Smith himself call you directly.

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
1. You refer to us as "Vette guys". I own and race a Viper as well. I'm not blind loyal, I only report the results as I experience them for both cars. I like BOTH cars, imagine that! Over six figures of cash dumped for toys, I sure hope I like them both.

2. Mathematical calculations are not the end-all be-all solution. If they were that solid, none of us would ever have to race. We could race calculators all day. Too many variables to get an accurate calculation. Do they have a driver skill coefficient? Does your calculator consider transmission and axle gearing ratios, rpm limit and shift points? Does it take into account the entire area under a HP curve for a specific engine setup? Does it ask tire diameter? Does it have a coefficient of friction input? How about drag coefficient? Too many variables here, those calculators cannot model an exact pass or give someone the best possible case. They are ballpark, not rules. BTW, I'm a mechanical engineer, so I would be happy to discuss variables and physics all day, but I'll be the first to tell you that a timeslip/HP calculator would get you laughed out of the racetrack by veteran racers. Kind of like how Desktop Dyno isn't accurate for all engines.

3. I don't understand why you feel mid-120s is fast. That is even what the magazines got, and what Chevrolet even claimed for these cars. I'd say 130 mph would be harder to believe, but not mid-120s. I personally feel mid-120s isn't that impressive for a 427ci LS7 in a 3100 lb car. I went 125 mph in a 3650 lb car making the same 440 rwhp, with only 382ci. That was considered fast back in year 2000. That car went 11.21 with a 1.6X short time.

Why all this fuss over 125 mph? It isn't even that impressive to those of us who drive/own these Z06 Corvettes. It is just common! As for that list on Corvetteforum, I've been a member there since 2000, and I've not added my times to the "Fast List". Does that make them invalid? It just means I didn't really care too much about the list, like 100s of others probably don't. There are thousands of Z06s on that site, only a handful cared enough to put their name on a "Fast List". So again, that list doesn't do a good job of representing the entire group.

4. I already stated I had several witnesses present. I even offered the keys to two other C6 Z06 owners in attendance, to see if they could beat my time. Both declined, they didn't think they'd run any quicker. I can assure you the car is indeed stock, down to the filters and air in the tires. Hennessey even mentioned it being possibly the quickest pass he'd seen in a stock Z06 at his track. I still felt it had another 2-3 tenths left in it, if I had some traction. I hope to try again.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Thats what i dont understand the doubting of the 125 mph trap speed basically AVERAGE (Hell i have seen STOCK GEN 2 Vipers on fast tracks in cold weather trap 121-122 )

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
Its truely obsurd that people are trying to deny something that was basically a forgone conclusion YEARS AGO.The problem is they argue from behind their computers but NEVER at the racetrack.Tell you whatIam going to do though ,the VERY NEXT Major Viper event at Englishtown i am going to make it a point to get a STOCK Z06 there ( HAVE A VCA OFFICER VERIFY ITS BONE STOCK )and have Smith or Furman (if hes around )run one mid 11 after another after another for ALL to witness then maybe this will finally be settled

My car doesn't run mid 11's, only low 11's! :D

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
I don't know if it was stock or not. I do not question the time he ran. I am sure it is true. I have been saying that SOME of the Z06 times represented as stock runs do not appear to be a stock car based on the various analysis I have provided. That is all.

SPEEDFREAK what is my motivation to say the Z is as fast as it is? I own an ACR Viper and its the Fastest Stock Viper Ever in the 1/4mile 11.07. Just like my Gen 2 GTS, 11.59 run was the fastest stock GTS ever. Whats my motivation to bullsh*t? Tell me I would like to know? And every single run that I set a record at was a sponsered event with tons of wintness's including track owner sign offs after the runs.
See I don't have an agenda, you do! Because a Viper is all you have and you want it to be the fastest, but I got news for you its not!


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
My car doesn't run mid 11's, only low 11's! :D
PLEASE do me a favor come up in MAY for the Atl NATs at Etown with the Vette we will have a BLAST .By then i will have another Gen 4 and you can run them both same day sam track same driver TO SHOW THESE GUYS JUST HOW CLOSE THEY ARE

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
PLEASE do me a favor come up in MAY for the Atl NATs at Etown with the Vette we will have a BLAST .By then i will have another Gen 4 and you can run them both same day sam track same driver TO SHOW THESE GUYS JUST HOW CLOSE THEY ARE

Joe just keep me updated and I will try to make it, its been a few years since I ran their since they merged the Vipers with the Nats.


Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
SPEEDFREAK what is my motivation to say the Z is as fast as it is? I own an ACR Viper and its the Fastest Stock Viper Ever in the 1/4mile 11.07. Just like my Gen 2 GTS, 11.59 run was the fastest stock GTS ever. Whats my motivation to bullsh*t? Tell me I would like to know? And every single run that I set a record at was a sponsered event with tons of wintness's including track owner sign offs after the runs.
See I don't have an agenda, you do! Because a Viper is all you have and you want it to be the fastest, but I got news for you its not!

Jamie, you are misunderstanding me. I already know my viper is not faster (even though I wish it was!) I was not implying in any way your Z run was not legitimate. I know it was. I stated that pages and pages ago. The "some" Z drivers I was referring to are not you guys, meaning you, evan smith or 9ball (I did question 9balls because of the very slow short time - if it had been a 1.8 I wouldn't have thought twice about his time). They are some of the other Z drivers that post times that appear suspicious to me becuase of some of the criteria I discussed. I will try and explain it better tomorrow. I think I must not be making my point clearly. Will take another turn at it tomorrow. Its been a long week. Think I will go to bed and dream of beating a Z in the quarter mile in my stock Viper. LOL (probably the only place I will be beating one, 11.8 won't get it done).


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
All this does is support my argument. I WAS AT THIS TRACT THIS NIGHT making record runs in my stock viper (it would only trap 123). The DA ranged from -1000 to -1400 feet. And again, if this is the car I am thinking of IT WASN'T STOCK. I watched one run with a CAR I KNOW PERSONALLY with headers, exhaust, intake cam and drag radials run 11.10 at 130. I guess all those mods were only worth 1 mph. I love how if someone posts a time slip and says its stock it apparently is as you can see the car with your x ray vision from Maryland. There were 3 Z06s there this night and I don't think ANY OF THEM WERE STOCK. I have never disputed the times run by Zs. I am disputing they were all run by STOCK cars. As stated previously I own a corvette also. I used to run it in the corvette challenge at this track and know all kinds of people running late model vettes. And I also know all the sneaky **** they used to pull and call it stock. I know it is such an unbelievable concept to grasp that some people are running these cars, posting great times, saying there stock and then the driver actually modding the car and not telling anyone. Give me a break.

Well I know Im gonna get laughed at but I gotta say it...On 70 degree hawaiian weather nights at 1000 ft elevation I did the following

In my 2003 Viper I went out with my bell tronics 1/4 tester frequently....I did a good 100 plus runs on my 2003 srt10 in a 6 week period...

On these nights the car had roller rockers and kn fiter

At first I averaged 12.5's at 117 mph outta 10 runs the first night..

The second night I did another 10 runs and started figuering her out a little and hit a few 118's and 119's at 12.3-12.6..Then on my second to last run I ran a amazing to me 12.1 at 121 mph

Went out again a few nights later...Ran a few 12.2-12.4's at 118-120 mph and then started landing 12.0's at 121 mph...Then to my amazement hit an 11.9 at 122...

Went out a few nights later and ran consistent 11.9's-12.1's at 120-122 mph...Then hit an 11.8 at 123 mph

Took off the cats and exhaust and went back a week or so later and ran lots of 11.8's and 11.9's at 122-123 mph







Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kissimmee, FL
Isn't it a fact that "*** Wee" Furman wrecked his ACR? Mr. Furman, I believe it is clear that you have a love and loyalty for the corvette and a deep hatred for the Viper. You can deny it, try to buy it, cry it and lie about it until the cows come home but it is easy for truly neutral observers like myself to see where you are coming from. I own 2 corvettes and 2 Vipers but I would never compare the squeaking chimpanzee to the silverback gorilla and would never be as unwise as to think that the chimp was more animal than the brutal silverback. I have asked you this before and I reiterate; please go sell your big bag of horsesh1t over at the corvetteforum, where you will receive the accolades for your creativity, that you so sorely desire. I'm not buying it, others are not buying it and your constant pro-corvette bellowing is getting old.


Viper Owner
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Isn't it a fact that "*** Wee" Furman wrecked his ACR? Mr. Furman, I believe it is clear that you have a love and loyalty for the corvette and a deep hatred for the Viper. You can deny it, try to buy it, cry it and lie about it until the cows come home but it is easy for truly neutral observers like myself to see where you are coming from. I own 2 corvettes and 2 Vipers but I would never compare the squeaking chimpanzee to the silverback gorilla and would never be as unwise as to think that the chimp was more animal than the brutal silverback. I have asked you this before and I reiterate; please go sell your big bag of horsesh1t over at the corvetteforum, where you will receive the accolades for your creativity, that you so sorely desire. I'm not buying it, others are not buying it and your constant pro-corvette bellowing is getting old.

Blah blah blah Alexarz, have you ever been to a track? This thread is about numbers and what times people are running in their respective cars, be it Vette or Viper.


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
SPEEDFREAK what is my motivation to say the Z is as fast as it is? I own an ACR Viper and its the Fastest Stock Viper Ever in the 1/4mile 11.07. Just like my Gen 2 GTS, 11.59 run was the fastest stock GTS ever. Whats my motivation to bullsh*t? Tell me I would like to know? And every single run that I set a record at was a sponsered event with tons of wintness's including track owner sign offs after the runs.
See I don't have an agenda, you do! Because a Viper is all you have and you want it to be the fastest, but I got news for you its not!
How many 1/4 mile runs have you (Jamie Furman) tried in the ACR? How many in the Z06? How did the conditions vary between the best runs of each? This will help us understand if you really tried to get the most out of the Viper.

Note the other comparison point, by 1Bad stated up front that it was only 5 runs total under conditions that were not very favorable. As you are at the fast track in a fast region the comparison comes down to people like you who hold the quickest times in the Corvette. You need to provide a comparable effort or be called on the carpet as Alexrz is apparently doing.

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
Isn't it a fact that "*** Wee" Furman wrecked his ACR? Mr. Furman, I believe it is clear that you have a love and loyalty for the corvette and a deep hatred for the Viper. You can deny it, try to buy it, cry it and lie about it until the cows come home but it is easy for truly neutral observers like myself to see where you are coming from. I own 2 corvettes and 2 Vipers but I would never compare the squeaking chimpanzee to the silverback gorilla and would never be as unwise as to think that the chimp was more animal than the brutal silverback. I have asked you this before and I reiterate; please go sell your big bag of horsesh1t over at the corvetteforum, where you will receive the accolades for your creativity, that you so sorely desire. I'm not buying it, others are not buying it and your constant pro-corvette bellowing is getting old.

Co*k Chops this thread doesn't need a POSERS opinion like yours, and Jamie Furman didn't wreck his ACR or any other car! Haven't you figured out yet everyone on this site HATES YOU and doesn't want your opinion as the first response to your post would clearly indicate! Wait thats a stupid question of course you know everyone HATES YOU, how could you not? I think you might be the only guy on the board no one has ever met or seen but makes all these wild claims with nothing to back it up but pictures of junk. Is there 1 Person on this site that has met ALEXARKS? Why don't you go back to your favorite racetrack or did your Xbox break? When you get out of highschool and your dad lets you start driving his Viper show up at a track and I will give you 2 beatdowns, one for you and one for your Dads Car! Your a JOKE! Just not a very good one!
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Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kissimmee, FL
There's no need to get sensitive, "*** Wee". I heard on another forum that you wrecked your ACR. I'm not making that up and if it is false, I'm happy to hear that you and your car are safe. For you to deny that I have a plethora of fans here and around the internet world, is pure foolishness. Now, I have to admit that you seem to have a handful of fans who believe your nonsense that a car, down some 140hp can beat a Viper in a race. Drag racing is the miniature golf of motorsports and it makes sense that a person named "*** Wee" would be one of its strongest advocates. I understand that the Z06 has lower gearing coming from the production line and that the Viper really pulls the Z as the speeds get higher, but you seem to avoid mentioning this fact. If the Viper had 3.55 gears, I'm sure that it would beat the Z06 right from the get go.
I am not phased by your threats, "*** Wee". I have already kicked the pants off of Z06's with both Vipers as well as my '68 vette, which annihilated two of your favorite cars. Of course, I don't take these things as seriously as you do but if you were to line up next to me in my vette and you, in yours, there would be a whole lot of tears running down in the "*** Wee" cockpit. You see, my vette has more power, better gearing, lighter weight and a far more manly driver, to boot.

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
there's No Need To Get Sensitive, "*** Wee". I Heard On Another Forum That You Wrecked Your Acr. I'm Not Making That Up And If It Is False, I'm Happy To Hear That You And Your Car Are Safe. For You To Deny That I Have A Plethora Of Fans Here And Around The Internet World, Is Pure Foolishness. Now, I Have To Admit That You Seem To Have A Handful Of Fans Who Believe Your Nonsense That A Car, Down Some 140hp Can Beat A Viper In A Race. Drag Racing Is The Miniature Golf Of Motorsports And It Makes Sense That A Person Named "*** Wee" Would Be One Of Its Strongest Advocates. I Understand That The Z06 Has Lower Gearing Coming From The Production Line And That The Viper Really Pulls The Z As The Speeds Get Higher, But You Seem To Avoid Mentioning This Fact. If The Viper Had 3.55 Gears, I'm Sure That It Would Beat The Z06 Right From The Get Go.
I Am Not Phased By Your Threats, "*** Wee". I Have Already Kicked The Pants Off Of Z06's With Both Vipers As Well As My '68 Vette, Which Annihilated Two Of Your Favorite Cars. Of Course, I Don't Take These Things As Seriously As You Do But If You Were To Line Up Next To Me In My Vette And You, In Yours, There Would Be A Whole Lot Of Tears Running Down In The "*** Wee" Cockpit. You See, My Vette Has More Power, Better Gearing, Lighter Weight And A Far More Manly Driver, To Boot.

Blah, Blah, Blah ,Blah, Blah
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