Let me break down your question a little. To keep paint scratch and swirl free, you have to properly maintain the paint. That consist of proper washing and/or dust removal as that is where 99% of your paint damage is going to come from. That part is not so much about the name brand of the products that you are using, but more about using the correct technique and the proper equipment.
Now the actual process of making the paint shiny is done one way: POLISHING. Polishing is what makes paint shine, not waxing or anything else that you do. If you put wax on your car and create a shine, it is because you have just scrubbed dirt and haze off the paint and doing that creates paint damage. NOT the route to go. This is why you polish paint to begin with. Once you have obtained the shine you want from polishing, you then protect that shine with wax. Some waxes may give your shine more depth, but no wax is going to make your paint more shiny. Again, shine is achieved through polishing.
Now I have not mentioned any products for a reason. You all have seen my videos so you know one of the product lines that I use. However, there are quite a few product lines out there that you can do this with. What you must do in order to help you decide on what to try is to stay away from over the counter products that are sold at big box stores or neighborhood auto stores (Costco, Pep Boys, Auto Zone, etc...). Also, stay away from anything that is a "miracle in a bottle" (Nu-Finish comes to mind), and anything that does not follow the mindset that I explained above. Any quality product on the market will contain products that follow the technique and mindset I described.
Lastly, use a product that the manufacturer will back 100%. If you can buy a product from a manufacturer and return it for a full refund if you are not happy with it, then you are dealing with a manufacturer who stands behind their product. That my friends is a very small group of manufacturers to choose from.