Come on guys lol. No need to ban any body just don't respond to anyone that annoys you. I do it all the time and Im sure others do it to me as well

. We are all adults here.
Anyway back on topic. Is any car fully worth its price is a question that can be asked in all seriousness. Cost to make vs cost to the consumer is always skewed. But to me if it gives you the visual, emotional[very important imo], and performance fix in spades that you need, then to the individual it may be worth whatever price they paid.
The answer to he OP's title also heavily bears on ones financial status too. So there is no one answer to satisfy all. IMHO because of the Vipers performance relative to its peers and even those above its class and the exotic and unique nature of its design, I'd say its worth the price of entry even though, at present, I can't afford one.