Remember that the two systems are
completely separate: The
membership database will accept
any email address as it is not used for posting, etc. The
forum database is the one that is picky due to spam.
Around four weeks ago the reCaptcha image verification system was hacked/broken. Numerous forum sites use it, including the VCA. Fortunately, we have one fine hurdle even if you pass the image verification: The registration is reviewed by a live human being that volunteers on the site.
Well, we experienced an unprecedented spike in spam registrations around that time - sometimes
hundreds in a day. Given that we only have a couple folks that have volunteered to serve as the final "gatekeepers" for registrations, it was simply overwhelming. We have found that very few VCA folks will quit their paying jobs to volunteer 60 hours a week, so we made the decision to shut down Gmail registrations, which 99% of the spam bots were using. We had already disabled Yahoo and Hotmail registrations many years ago - before we even had reCaptcha in place.
Now, if you are already registered on the forums with any of these domains (hotmail, Gmail, etc.), then you have nothing to worry about: The system doesn't kick out those email domains, it simply prevents new registrations from using them. Will we fix that? You betcha. Some sites have already implemented simple Q&A protocols that a bot usually can't address. Supposedly the reCaptcha system is also being revised by Google. Either way, we anticipate once again accepting new registrations with these email providers in the not-too-distant future.
Finally, it should be noted that the forum moderators and admins have the ability to override certain fields such as email on a manual basis. So if Rocket62 or anybody else needs their
forum email addresses updated, simply PM me,
Lee00blacksilverGTS, or
ViperTony and we will get it updated for you.
Again, your
forum email address is NOT what is necessarily in the VCA member database and is NOT what the club uses to email you with the latest raffles, event news, or renewal information. That system is completely separate and can be found here: You can update your own information in that system (no moderators needed), including your latest email.
When using the system for the first time you must generate a new password. Make sure you are logging in with the same email address that you originally used when you first sent in your membership application. If you no longer have access to that email account, scroll down on that "forgot password" page and there is an alternate way to gain access to your records. Many, many folks have found that their original email from years ago has long since been disconnected (changed jobs, etc.) but was never updated at VCA HQ. Now is your chance to update your information, including Gmail email addresses. Have at it!