Do you know what the old & new part numbers are?
Do you know what the old & new part numbers are?
Newest current updated part listed for 03-13' is the 4865610AF right and 4865611AF Left
The part number for a 2013 specific is 4865610AH Right and 4865611AG Left
Currently none available for any of these. The part number for the one in developmental testing right now is an unknown as far as I know anyway.
I just got my 05 viper out of winter storage. The first time I put the passenger side window down, the regulator went out. So I'll be looking for one too. I just replaced my drivers side on my Prowler this winter. A Prowler owner has come up with a fix for the Prowlers. It is a sure all fix. I don't think it will ever break again. It uses a gear mechanism.
I just got my 05 viper out of winter storage. The first time I put the passenger side window down, the regulator went out. So I'll be looking for one too. I just replaced my drivers side on my Prowler this winter. A Prowler owner has come up with a fix for the Prowlers. It is a sure all fix. I don't think it will ever break again. It uses a gear mechanism.
Add me to the list. The drivers side on my 08 coupe is going bad.
LMAO, love the "drag" pun...That's a drag. What is it doing that makes you believe it is going bad?
There is a fix for Viper as well, I am surprised nobody mentioned this
not with a lifetime warrantyFor $45 more from the original price you can get a brand new one from VPA.
Thanks for the ebay link. The only drag (since you like puns so much) is even with a lifetime warranty, you need to:
remove the part
pay shipping
hope the company stays in business
...(unless that's just how you roll with no window).
Hey, that was just a suggestion, subject to take it or leave it condition. Anyone should do whatever they think suits them best.Thanks for the ebay link. The only drag (since you like puns so much) is even with a lifetime warranty, you need to:
remove the part
pay shipping
hope the company stays in business
Hey, that was just a suggestion, subject to take it or leave it condition. Anyone should do whatever they think suits them best.
Hey, that was just a suggestion, subject to take it or leave it condition. Anyone should do whatever they think suits them best.
Just received some inside information you may like. The newest design regulator is very close to being available and should be under $300! It has been going through a couple design changes to make it bullet proof before being released. It would have been out already, but if it was rushed the final items would not have been caught till it was too late. Testing showed that at around 7000 cycles there was still a weakness that needed to be worked on, now the new design will meet the 10,000 cycles and be much less fragile when it hits the shelves in about a month.
Thanks for your patience on this,
They are close, just waiting for the supplier to dump some service parts into the system, I'm supposed to get a call when this happens, but know that cannot always happen so I'm checking daily also for you guys.
My dealer has it on order. Will he eventually be able to get one or should I try to place it on order myself?
you will get the new part aa soon as the supplier puts the new ones in the service depot, which they have not yet. They have removed all the old ones now also, that will insure that you get the latest AH version. I hope that is soon, but right now it is totally in the suppliers court.
bump. anxiously awaiting this new part number. would like to do both sides with the updated one's
My dealer sent me an email and said he was supposed to receive one for my Viper tomorrow (Saturday). I checked a supplier on-line who says he can get them in 3 - 5 ddays now.
yeah. when I called 3 weeks ago with my VIN#, my dealer (Arrigo) said they could have them for me next morning (so apparently the stock of units has not been pulled).. BUT.. what you will receive is the old part number(s). The new one does not have a part number assigned t it yet (or thats my understanding). Right now my passenger side is totally out, with 3k miles.