yeah how about the $8k gen1 motor rebuild. They know thier stuff, but charge a fortune and have quite a chip on thier shoulder. Lots of other choices out there now
does it draw when the key is off.? Use a 10Amp meter and start checking circuits at the fuse box. Sounds like you have a short somewhere. I had a simular problem with a 69 corvette, turned out to be a little light under the car where the spare tire was kept so I never noticed.
love that machine, not to sure about RTV on exhaust parts though as it burns off you may want to retorque before they blow out again. I dug thru a bunch of gaskets at our local NAPA to find some for Laurie's the ones that came with the headers didnt match up. the best gasket is no gasket, but...
your talking out your arse, if you never put a turbo on a viper please dont advise others. Yes you can fit a 04 t60/61 without cutting the frame. Probably not a 76 series. The HMS cars use a 03/04 hybred which is much smaller than the 04 housing. To get a 04 housing to fit you will have to...
I dont like that, you really should not be sending any water in the combustion chamber until after the motor is started or you could get lock up. I take my jets out every so often and ground the relay to make sure its working
I know of two of the orginal HMS 1000's and both had major problems and had to go to other tuners. But in all fairness when these were made they didnt even have the split sec and had to use a FMU to tune. there have been a lot of advances since those were orginally made
give me a break, I see this crap every day. You can think you have all your t's crossed and i's dotted. Like Chuck said, it will cost you $ do take this to court. Anytime you spend $ you are taking some risk. Didnt the tuner in question close one business and start another? Whether its thru a...
real hard question to answer, lots of adjustments and you have to just play around with it until you get it. I usually start with the fascia, then lights then hood. From you photo it looks like the fascia is too high on the drivers side and too low on the pass side.
actually better yet is vasoline. It will disolve when exposed to gasoline. Never use wd40 or penetraing oil as it will swell the oring. I think my rails are a little off and that might be my problem
Mine are a beetch, everytime i push the rails on I take a chunk out of the orings. I found the best are the Mopar "brown" orings. the black GM/universal ones are really hard to push on (not as plyable) I sent thru 20 orings last time...
It is common, the little lever that catches the ratchet is not catching. like Tom said lift up the console and lube it up, I actually had to bend mine over a little
The Viper has to have the easiest injectors to pull of any car there is....even a cave man can do it
unless you have rails and top feed injectors, then its alot harder...can you do top feed injectors as well? I seem to have to get mine cleaned every year. (I found out the hard way that you...
Old pic of my RT. I dropped it 1" over the winter and it now looks 10X better. Plus added the Elite Fascia, and changed interior.
Anyhow still my fav pic of the Banana.
I knew you would post on this thread...I have a few of mine I really like, but the mods would delete them...
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