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  1. R

    What a day at the track . . .

    Brian, We have talked before on other topics - aren't track days a blast !!?? I was at the track all day yesterday (9-1-06) for the nth time this year, it was hot, and the event had enough cars to only need ONE run group; in other words the track was open to get on, get off, any time you wanted...
  2. R

    High RPM, Engine Shuts Off - Should be easy fix - Tell me what it is!

    Yes, as XLR8 said: The problem was, as I said above, no code was set for the MAP sensor, since it was truly not malfunctioning, just shorting out, disturbing, or interrupting the voltage. All in all a very good fix, as experienced by the way the car ran at the track yesterday (9-1-06). A...
  3. R

    High RPM, Engine Shuts Off - Should be easy fix - Tell me what it is!

    KepRght, You're welcome. So many times I see problems discussed here on the board, and I know solutions are found (or we would have a lot of parked Vipers), yet the solutions are not always posted. Later,
  4. R

    Dynos, Gears and RWHP?

    :bonker: :bonker: :bonker: Ya, lets pick on Don, it must have been that long link that didn't break up into multiple lines. Lets you become proficient with your mouse (hehe) :2tu: Got my car fixed, off to a track day tomorrow. Later,
  5. R

    High RPM, Engine Shuts Off - Should be easy fix - Tell me what it is!

    All, OK, fixed; it was a Shorting MAP sensor; not faulty except when it was shorting, and affecting the 8 or 9 volt signal to the computer. The MAP sensor is down the chain, so to speak, and the computer would set codes for the up chain sensors on the same power - Cam, Crank,... but not the...
  6. R

    Gen 2 pcm and engine harness.

    What viprtrt96 Said is correct. The 96 RT/10 wiring harness is unique, in that it routes to a Gen 1 engine, and a Gen 2 computer which that car has (OBD II) Don't know about the AEM unit, but if you can get a 96 RT/10 (NOT 96 GTS) wiring harness, then you can direct wire a Gen 1 engine with a...
  7. R

    powdercoat RAL codes needed

    Where ever you found this, it is correct for "Stone White" PW1.
  8. R

    Dynos, Gears and RWHP?

    Calculate yourself here...
  9. R

    Gen 1 hardtop question

    V10....., Sounds like you have it solved: I'm not sure about this clockwise/counter clockwise stuff..... With the latch handle rotated to point to the center of the car (both sides), rotate to latch top toward the outside. If you look (at least on mine) at the latch, when the handle is...
  10. R

    Which plugs to use?

    Use these wires from Adam; (ab)on this forum. Later,
  11. R

    Got a question....about people who buy champion spark plugs

    Adam, Like I said in an Email, I received my wires last week, and promptly went to AutoZone and bought 10 plugs (yes they break open a box for 2). Champion 412, Cost $13.90 + tax = 15.12. Yes, I would have taken the plugs with the wires. Later,
  12. R

    What oil filter to use?

    Cody, Agree TP is good for one thing only !! :bonker: (Couldn't find a Graemlin depicting the actual use) From the Oil Study Link I posted above, here is a LinK to the Section about Mopar Filters: With the conclusion...
  13. R

    What oil filter to use?

    Yes, WIX #51085 as I posted above, way up there somewhere.
  14. R

    What oil filter to use?

    According to the link I posted above: "Wix These filters are manufactured by the Dana corporation, who also manufactures all of the Wix clones. These include NAPA and many OEM filters" Later,
  15. R

    Someone gimme some quick help here!

    I replaces mine with one of those square plastic license plate "nuts"; you know the ones that push into the square holes in a car where the license plate screws on. I filed the corners of the square to be round so that it would push and snap into that large hole where the plastic push pin goes...
  16. R

    Someone gimme some quick help here!

    It's one of those plastic push pins. Use a couple screw drivers, or the claws of a hammer or nail puller - you may need to replace it.
  17. R

    What oil filter to use?

    This excerpt from the above filter study I posted: ************************************************************* Filters To Avoid The following list of filters have known problems. You will see well-known names here and will probably be disappointed. This is because many of these brands have...
  18. R

    What oil filter to use?

    Read this and decide for yourself: I use WIX #51085
  19. R

    Thank you Partsrack / JonB

    [email protected], or by phone at (360) 837-3937.
  20. R

    Thank you Partsrack / JonB

    Nadine, You can order stamps with any picture from this site; just upload your picture, - not sure about UK postage, but there must be a way...
  21. R

    Forum as slow as a Corvette ????

    Could always be FASTER ---- Who on the forum has the saying: "Too much horse power is never enough" Mine is fast - thanks, Comcast (ISP) Later,
  22. R

    pics of Y2K wheels ona 97 RT/10-B&W

    OK,OK,OK, ... but of course I'm partial to '00 wheels on the WHITE Later,
  23. R

    Venting my windshield cowling.

    This quote from 2000 Black RT/10 from this thread:
  24. R

    S&B filters and air box clips

    I have S&B filters, and have never lost (pop off) a clip. If you need to replace a clip, they are GM (Chevy) Part No.: 25043286 Later,
  25. R

    Gen 1 Door Popper

    Red94Roadster, (William), You have read my "Illustrated Instructions", about the installation, and I think you should find them straight forward. I have had mine installed for 5 years, with the only problem being the ground which I noticed after about a year - as Tom said, run a ground wire back...

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