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  1. S

    Anyone use these guys in Irvine?

    Check out Randy and Patty Musser are top shelf. I've used them personally. Tell them DJ sent you.
  2. S

    Foggy Windshield, help please :(

    Without the air conditioner working, it won't defrost the windshield properly. When the mode switch is in defrost mode, it cycles the a/c compressor which removes moisture in the cabin air. You probably have water leak inside the car, and without the a/c, the moisture won't be pulled out. Fix...
  3. S

    Viper Art

    That's one of those ultra rare side exhaust rear exhaust cars.
  4. S

    Shaun White learns how to drive?

    Dodge has pretty much bailed out of pro racing. That's probably why Woodhouse is selling everything. GMG Porsche bought his transporter.
  5. S

    Need help installing new shifter

    Turn the shift knob counter clockwise and the nut clockwise at the same time.
  6. S

    Poll--Stripe Colors

    I don't like any of them. Paint the raised portion of the hood and run it over the roof and down the back. The single stripe on one side doesn't flow with the body lines. Looks like someone took a paint roller to the car.
  7. S

    Single stripe pictures... Post please...

    Here's a car I had painted in 2004. This was before any SRT's came with factory stripes.I don't like the look of the factory stripes going the length of the body on the SRT's. I did the hood and the rear fascia. Car was sold to a guy in Wisconsin a couple of monthes ago. There are bigger...
  8. S

    It's 15 outside . . .

    It was only 71 here today. 80's by Monday
  9. S

    Got ticket for tinted window

    Tear the tint off, velcro the plate on and get the ticket signed off.
  10. S

    T&D RR install question...

    Adjust intake rocker when exhaust valve (same cylinder) begins to open. Adjust exhaust rocker when intake valve (same cylinder) begins to close.
  11. S

    How much of attention getter are Vipers?

    Saxon- Yeah, I hate attorneys too, but judging by your superior intellect I'm sure you could "hold your own" in a court room without one. I can see now that you don't agree that people should be held responsible for their actions when they refuse to make a situation right which was caused by...
  12. S

    How much of attention getter are Vipers?

    First off,put on your glasses, they're not naked, they have bathing suits on. That's not my red coupe and I didn't even take the picture. That avatar is widely enjoyed by most of the men here who love women, sorry you don't like it. Unless they are bolting on a supercharger, those girls won't...
  13. S

    How much of attention getter are Vipers?

    I'm far from feeble minded. BVK is just giving you a beat down in the smack room.
  14. S

    Unimpressive GTS Auction

    Pemberton, did you happen to get some of the Chrysler employee $25,000 off 0% financing deal they were offering? My friend got a new coupe for $1,400 a month for 48 months.
  15. S

    How much of attention getter are Vipers?

    that is epically smackelicious.
  16. S

    Would you trust a VCA vendor to refund your money?

    Awesome GTS-R001 and 1fast400. See, life is all fluffy clouds and cute puppy dogs after all.
  17. S

    Would you trust a VCA vendor to refund your money?

    I can't believe I've read three pages of this crap.This has nothing to do with the VCA. The VCA doesn't need to delete this post. It just happens to be that both parties are members.The vendor sent him the wrong product and the shipping girl should have inspected it immediatly upon it's return...
  18. S

    Driving Shoes (What you wearing?)

    The thing is, you'll look like a dork wearing disco red, blue or yellow driving shoes with anything but a firesuit, although it seems to be the norm in SoCal. If you have to wear business attire I would suggest a pair of Auri's. They are pretty much driving shoes with style and they are walking...
  19. S

    Going to Willow tomorrow with OTR...kudo's to JonB

    Hopefuly someday they'll get Google in the UK.
  20. S

    Anybody need a T56?

    Call Team Viper's John Donato. He's usually looking for cores.248-624-4964
  21. S

    Fess up - was this you?

    I live Aliso. My silver RT is still in one piece. There's a few cars around here. Report in Mike aka 1dumpedviper.Not sure what color his car is. I know a couple of different red coupe guys. One is stable and the other could snap.
  22. S

    Gen 1 rear calipers

    Do you want the stock front four piston for the rear? No Gen 1's came with big calipers on the rear stock.It looks cool but isn't needed unless it's a race car.On a street car, the minimal gains in less stopping distance isn't worth the cost in my opinion. Where are you at in C-bus? I grew up on...
  23. S

    Gen I intake question

    I believe early Gen1 is 4 and late Gen1 is 3 ribs.
  24. S

    What setup is this???

    Just make sure the party is in "the big D". The tracks there have starting lines that'll tear your shoes off. Not to mention they run downhill with a 40 mph tailwind.

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