If you keep your car in the bank and your cash in the garage, you are investing wrong? Is that the message here? lol
That I agree with, however regarding colors I have a slightly different perspective and not because I have blue & white.
While about the same number of B&W GTS's versus red GTS were produced (2,128 vs. 2,156), a red GTS could be a 1997, 1998, and if you didn't notice the wheel change, a 1999, a 2000, a 2001 or a 2002. All look virtually alike. A blue & white can only be a 1996 or a 1997. Throw in another 5,034 red RT/10's GENII's vs. 53 blue ones and if you're feeling really sporty, the almost identical looking 4,026 red GENI's and you end up with a lot more red Vipers in the world versus B&W ones (2,181 vs. 11,216). Less relevant but still part of it is that there are a heck of a lot more red sports cars in general vs. blue & white ones. Lastly, the traditional use of blue & white as a Viper launch color scheme also contributes to the elevation of B&W in some people's eyes, myself included.
Red is clearly a more popular color for a sports car overall or there wouldn't be so many produced, but the blue & white has a special place in Viper history and as such will always have a unique appeal and vehicle condition equal, probably command a slight premium.
Just my opinion -