To each his own.
I have well over 700rwhp with the Roe sc and about 150rwhp if I use the Nitrous Oxide kit in my Viper. Doesn't mean I have to drag race it. I road raced an found that the biggest improvement might be a longer throttle pedal movement as 'easing into the throttle' isn't very easy. I have done a lot of work to my car and continue to perfect it. If a guy wants to save 40# by using lightweight seats - go for it. Whether he uses that car on the race track of just uses it to DODGE cars and trucks running over him in his beautiful car - goo for him.
Lighweight seats and Motons maybe for racing, but they may also be that slight advantage that allowed his car to make the corner in the Mountains without crashing. Don't kid yourself, the most dangerous place to drive is on the STREETS.
But Ted,
you already have the personal weight advantage over most of us. What do you weigh? 160 lbs.? That's already starting 40-140 lbs. better than most of us.