I bought the o-rings. checked areas with electric sniffer. no leaky in mentioned o-ring area. area was clean too. sniffer "hit" mostly at high and low shrader valve ports. replaced both of those, no much leaky now-if any. oily areas at plumbing going into evaporator box, and sniffer "hit" on that too, just not that bad.
we pulled vacuum, changed shraders, and filled with roughly 26 oz of new 134a. ('98 calls for 1.81 lb, 29-30 oz). coils were reading about 45deg. the car was sitting still/idling the whole time (20 mins), but air was not as cold as I was expecting. it was cool, just not COLD, COLD. Based upon gauges, all seems to be where it needs to be.
Gonna drive it tonight and see if :
1) it blows any colder or should that even make a difference?
2) SHould I try and put another 3-4oz's in? would 3-4 oz's make THAT much difference?