OPTION (op-shun)!
Those cost money. Selfish of you to make us pay for the R&D of crap we don't want. Buy a car that has it as an OPSHUN and kwitchurbitchin.
OPTION (op-shun)!
Nah... selfish is when you think that your opinions are the only ones that matter, and that you're special enough to warrant a whole brand be changed for your beliefs. But then again, you must must not be selfish because you give us Viper owners so much of your time, considering you don't have one. You must be one awesome fella. You own your dream car and feel destined to make our car... your car.
I never thought of it that way. You're such the humanitarian.
btw... can you PROVE that driving was THAT bad? I don't think so. I'd be willing to bet those people don't think their driving was bad. But I'm sure if it ever happened to you, you're humble enough to admit you're a bad driver.
PS are different but that's why they have options that YOU pay for.
Most of those havent been because of TC failing, the driving is just THAT bad, be it drunk or snow/rain etc. Which is why TC is needed, there are too mant people that cant handle as much power as they think. Stop being selfish.
Selfish is when you want something ONLY your way, and are not willing to let someone else have something their way TOO
I cant describe how rediculous that sounds. You dont want the car to change because of a stigma, I want the car to change because it may save people's lives (or cars, for which some is one in the same), yet I'm being selfish??
Maybe you didn't read my earlier post of a Lambo driver spinning at Sebring and then saying "I didn't think it would do that." He thought that because the Lambo had TC. How many other drivers have/will do the same thing? Answer: lots.
And how is it I am the one being selfish? The Viper is the only car on the market that fits my wants. You nannie-tech guys have every other make and model to choose from, I have only one and you want to change it to fit your agenda. But somehow that makes ME selfish. That's perplexing.
No concept of the R&D and manufacturing process. The cost gets passed down to the whole line. To add as an OPSHUN cost more, but the base cost has been passed down to every unit sold. The R&D will also incur an opportunity cost for engineers who could have been working on more important things... like finding ways to lighten the car and of course, add more power.
Either way, the whiners are selfish... and some of them can only count to 3. This is a 10 digit world, people. You gotta keep up with the times.![]()
Selfish is when you want something ONLY your way, and are not willing to let someone else have something their way TOO (as an op-shun)! It's not about wanting to change the Viper into something else - the Viper with optional sequential manual paddle shift and optional/defeatable traction control is still a Viper along side the one with the old school manual clutch pedal and stick shift.
I think you need to learn the definition of selfishness better. One who was unselfish would be one who wanted to see more people happy, not keeping things only for themselves to be happy.
Sadly, often times the drive of selfish people will destroy everything for everyone, leaving nothing left for ANYONE to enjoy! Take that as a hint!
it has to be all or nothing for you huh?
That race inspired enhancement is going to be removed from F1 next year. Incidently, the same as ABS was removed from F1 ten years ago.
I guess F1 realized some of that nanny-tech crap wasn't as much fun as they originally thought. Write Bernie and tell him how wrong he is.
The pro-PS crowd here just doesn't get it. Stop drinking the koolaid.
Everything costs money. Nothing is free.
We're lucky to have this 600HP monster . . .
You guys would kill it -- I mean KILL it -- by adding all of this expensive tech-oriented options.
Any money to be invested can be better invested to make the Viper better in other ways (that would also make a bigger difference in selling more cars, which PS would not).
and they have had TC because even those pro guys were killing themselves, it was implemented for a reason.
For perspective, here is my wish list of improvements to the Viper before Dodge spends even one second thinking about PS (feel free to add to this list).
... these improvements will make the Viper even more desirable to 'most,' paddle shifters will not:
>3.33, or similar, rear gears
>higher engine redline 6,600+
>carbon fiber hood and trunk (reduced weight)
>lower drag cd for front nose design (higher top speed and better fuel economy)
>better interior materials - less plastic
>2-pc brake rotors
>race-looking seat belts
>cruise control (for the long drive to VOI-10)
HAHAHHA.... these are the same people that when the Viper hands them their @$$ on a platter, they demand more restrictions on the Viper. This is followed by cursing to the effect that they can't believe some AMURICAN neanderthal retro backwards no finess car that just has a big engine cleaned their clock.
I remember reading something about when PMUM was kicking serious @$$, all they can do was accuse him of cheating.
Fact is, when you have a more basic car, it requires you to be a better driver.
This is how and why the Viper has a bad@$$ reputation. The whiners will never get that. They want the reputation without the work involved.
It means more, when you DO more... with less. Got it?
DC just completely redid the motor . . . . and is selling the car FOR LESS!!!!!!!! Um, I think they can add TC and do the same. PS are different but that's why they have options that YOU pay for.
There's reward in taming this wild beast. Some people prefer to ride on fast, calm, sedate thoroughbreds, and that's ok. Just don't ride in on "My Little Pony" and tell me it's the Black Stallion. I know the difference... do you?
I would care less that I was the lesser skilled/talented driver, because the bottom line is - I WON!
No, they had TC (and all that other nanny-tech crap) is because F1 has always been about the car. When they started to realize nanny-tech is boring they moved towards outlawing it, beginning with ABS. And guess what, there has been no appreciable difference in F1 fatalities since. Imagine that.
They outlawed turbos because the pro guys were dying (see: Ayrton Senna). Guess we should outlaw turbos on street cars too since Suzie and Dave aren't pros.
For perspective, here is my wish list of improvements to the Viper before Dodge spends even one second thinking about PS (feel free to add to this list).
... these improvements will make the Viper even more desirable to 'most,' paddle shifters will not:
>3.33, or similar, rear gears
>higher engine redline 6,600+
>carbon fiber hood and trunk (reduced weight)
>lower drag cd for front nose design (higher top speed and better fuel economy)
>better interior materials - less plastic
>2-pc brake rotors
>race-looking seat belts
>cruise control (for the long drive to VOI-10)
Yes I understand that McClaren did it, but I doubt DC got that for free, including R&D. Of which part of that DC had to do themselves with it in the car.
Well this is an entertaining post.
There's quite a bit of torque and rotating inertia with a Viper V10, the rpm doesn't fluctuate / respond as quick as a much smaller V10 or 12 in a Lambo or Ferrari, or a smaller V8 in a Corvette, which is needed for a quick paddle shift system. The torque curve on our V10s is like a diesel, unlike any other gas motor out there. Quick paddle shift systems automatically reduces engine rpm to match rev the trans. A Viper with a paddle shift system wouldn't shift as quick as a smaller engine, and more important to reduce rpm because of the high torque at low rpm.
Sure, in the race world paddle shift systems are the way to go, but they're not spinning a truck sized engine, their motors can blip up and down in rpm rather quick. A F1 engine can probably blip the engine to 10,000 rpm and back down to 1000 rpm in a second, whereas our big V10 would take more than twice as long to go and come back down from 6000 rpm. So when you hit the paddle on a Viper, there surely would be more of a delay in the shift.
One thing that would make me nervous about a paddle shift system in a Viper is downshifting, you hit the paddle one too many times, the rear tires would lock up trying to rotate the big V10. I've smoked my rear tires downshifting going in to a corner, but it's easy to quickly back off with the clutch pedal.
So.. personally I don't think there would be a significant advantage with a paddle shift system on a Viper regarding shift speed, it all depends on the drivers' shifting skills. Surely has it's advantages otherwise, not having to take a hand off the wheel, etc..
Soccer moms can opt for a paddle shift in a SUV nowadays.. what do I know eh'
That explains a lot.
So why do you own a Viper instead of a Z06? It's a fair question. Or do you own a Viper?
Of course it takes more to develop the motor. THATS WHERE WE WANT THE EFFORT TO GO TO. duh.LOL, I have spun a car with TC on. The guy was at the track, obviously testing the limits of the car, and expected the car to protect him from wadding it up?? That's rediculous. The car you have, is a old car, and if it's an OPTION you could choose if you wanted it on the car or not, but it has to be all or nothing for you huh?
This is TC, not rocket science, DC has TC on many a car, it wouldnt take much to get one on the Viper, you are trying to hard and proving nothing. It took much more to develope that motor than it would TC, and they did it and selling for less. Try Again.
Vette's are cookie cutter cars made with plastic bodies. The Z06 is very impressive, but it looks too much like the common Vette that is seen passing by on every street each 2 or 3 minutes.
The Viper is a low production run and therefore not so "dime a dozen".
I would care less about comparing YOUR HORSE with MY HORSE - sounds a bit like "little boy games" doesn't it?
You guys have such neanderthal thinking - "my club is bigger than yours, my dog is nastier, my car is meaner, I can *** farther than you, my shifting method is more manly", what a joke it is to read what you think! Sounds like the old timer Harley guys before they began to accept Japanese cruisers as "enjoyable bikes ridden by guys who like bikes." Half the guys on *** cruisers were Harley guys beforehand. Toughness wears off once you find your own masculinity.
Dude, if DC had a Viper with an optional sequential manual gearbox and TC and E-Diff, I would say I had a Viper. If you pointed out to me that yours was BIGGER, more MANLY, or whatever, I would say, "ehh, okay, I bought with the options I WANTED, and I'm happy and secure and enjoying what I wanted and if we can't be loyal to the Viper as a whole brand, well, Buzz off!"
Changes in F1 are being made to make the less budgeted teams (hopefully) more competitive. It was the same reason why the switch from slicks to grooved tires and raising the ride height. Slowing down the cars to make for better competition between teams has been the major issue, but it still has not worked.