Kevan, enough already about my

gravel driveway. You may have had bad experiences with a gravel drive in your past. I have NOT! I blow my driveway off once a week just to remove small broken pcs., dust, or debris from the trees. I have had it for 15 years this way, and longer than that growing up at my parents house. I don't have any damage at all on the Viper, my wifes Lexus, my truck, or even my BLACK WS6 TA. One more time....NEVER had a problem with any of my past cars or trucks either. Face it, I never asked for opinions on having gravel on a driveway. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM with my driveway.

Any comments about it are not needed or wanted.
I posted a topic about keeping away car show rugrats....basically asking about stanchions.

Or what others may do at shows.
You are right about my comment at the show...I MEANT to be a smarta** You had to be there to hear the conversation I guess. There is always someone that has a brother, cousin, friend, uncle, whatever that has something better than yours, which btw is never at the show. I think its funny. Besides, I am not in denial...I know I am a smarta** and it was meant to be a smarta** comment.