I have found that my Copperhead gets a lot more attention than my GTS. Of coarse the GTS is solid black while the bright metallic burnt orange Copperhead says arrest me!!
I have also noticed that women like the Copperhead way more than the GTS, where men seem to like the GTS more.
So if the Copperhead is a chic magnet the GTS is a d$%k magnet, sounds bad but the truth is teenage boys seem to be the people that are into the GTS the most.
My fiance was just expounding on the same topic to me yesterday. I've always loved the GTS lines, but the hook was really set with me the first time I drove one for a few hours. Needless to say, once the wedding settles and we move, I am looking to put one in the garage.
She begs to differ. She hates the clownshoe appearance. Having never followed cars or Vipers, she coined that comment on her own without foreknowledge. Likewise, as you said above, she digs the hell out of the 08 and newer bodies in Venom Red and suggests I wait for the price to come down on THEM instead.
I found it interesting and tried to sound her out, saying the Gen IIs have a unique and classic styling whereas the Gen 4 is attractive, but muted. And sorry to say, but to my eye the newer ACRs, ZR1s and even the Z06s all look like poser rice material. It works if you actually track it more than twice a year. Otherwise, I don't get it. But I don't have to get why anyone else loves their car or not. To make a long story short, she really didn't have further commentary to offer. Just that the new ones are "prettier."
And sad to say, but she did say they looked like Corvettes and
that was why she liked the Gen 4s.In the next breath she asked why we shouldn't just get a new Z06. At that point I did something I've never done to my wife-to-be...

...and then the fight started