If they are arriving that early...are they being off loaded and if yes... who will be watching them?
4 trailers have already arrived at SLC today and there is two more right behind them!
Get ready to show the folks in SLC how Viper Owners Party!
6 trailer loads as of yesterday, so 36 cars if all trucks were fully loaded.
Brett Price, the driver of one of the VOI trailers broke his foot yesterday
He's a great guy, Chris Marshall took him to the ER yesterday.
Please wish him well if you see him, he is really dedicated to helping out at VOI
Hope he has a speedy recovery. My mother actually just broke BOTH her wrists on saturday night.
The wrapped transport VOI11 trucks will be rolling around the country for a few months so be sure and look for them!
Just had to post this....
Looking good!
Still looking good. A friend at Russo Steele called today to tell me about a Passport VOI 11 rig dropping off some cars there!