Re: VCA \"Last Ram SRT-10\" Raffle
Is it a potentially profitable raffle? Yes. The VCA may very well be the one holding the next VOI, that would take significant capital to do right.... why not be prepared?
Personally, I think this is an interesting raffle. Why a four-door? Maybe so the winner could use the truck as a tow rig. I've driven the four door, and it is a blast, ton's of get up and go, and room for the family. I already have a Viper, do I really need a Viper (two-door) truck? No, but I would have a USE for the four door rig. That's my opinion. If this is not something that would interest you, well, do not buy a ticket, and make suggestions for the next raffle to your regional president, ZD, DAL, or national officers.
No more raffle bashing will be accepted here.... contact those mentioned above directly if you have raffle suggetions or comments.