I have to admit I don't understand the mentality of someone,
friend or not, who feels the need to point out your money status.
I have come to learn that this is one of those nasty side
effects of owning a viper. Granted, 90%+ of the people I meet
are genuinely enthusiastic about the car and are pure joy to be
around, but there are a few who think you're driving it just, as
you so elegantly put it, "to rub their noses in your money," To
make matters worse, if you don't happen to make a lot of money
there's a completely different group who can't understand why
you, a viper owner, won't just cut a check today for that new
set of PS2s or that Arrow Rebuild ect...
The reality though is that (right or wrong) people don't need
any reason at all to judge you and the Viper is as big, flashy,
expensive a reason as anything else. For me though, any
negativity I may get will never, ever compete to the feeling of
a single warm summers night dash on an empty stretch of beach
highway. But that's just me.