The part that you miss is that McRat is 4-0 against Vipers, I am 12-0. How can that be, we drive such slow cars? A mystery for sure
However I could lose tomorrow, and that would be OK too. I have lost many times to other drivers/cars, and I will lose again. I don't have a superiority complex like a (few) in here do, but this is your forum and therefore your right, but we were challenged, and the challenge is accepted.
From what you have said here (and on our forum) about walking us like a Civic, maybe you should try and attend as well?? Others like Russ suggesting we are full of $hit to believe a Z06 can hang with a Viper, we shall see what we shall see. We ARE saying AHEAD of time the videos will be available, win or lose.
Here is another email from someone who wants a piece of this. Should be interesting, he want to race from a roll, I would have thought advantage Viper, but I will leave it to you to contact Greg and set something up. His challenge follows:
"Hey Les, ask this guy if he wants to race on topside from 70 on up to whatever on some deserted highway, late at night...I will video it and post results regardless of the outcome...I am confident I will pull him on top with my 2 boltons...He can e-mail me @ [email protected] - Greg"
I assuume Pat (McRat) and his wife, as well as Greg, will be hearing from Russ soon. The videos will confirm the results, no excuses from anyone please, winner gets bragging rights, results will be what they are. And life will continue. I wish I could be there to watch, as I appreciate BOTH cars.
The part that you miss is that McRat is 4-0 against Vipers, I am 12-0. How can that be, we drive such slow cars? A mystery for sure
From what you have said here (and on our forum) about walking us like a Civic, maybe you should try and attend as well?? Others like Russ suggesting we are full of $hit to believe a Z06 can hang with a Viper, we shall see what we shall see. We ARE saying AHEAD of time the videos will be available, win or lose.
Here is another email from someone who wants a piece of this. Should be interesting, he want to race from a roll, I would have thought advantage Viper, but I will leave it to you to contact Greg and set something up. His challenge follows:
"Hey Les, ask this guy if he wants to race on topside from 70 on up to whatever on some deserted highway, late at night...I will video it and post results regardless of the outcome...I am confident I will pull him on top with my 2 boltons...He can e-mail me @ [email protected] - Greg"
I assuume Pat (McRat) and his wife, as well as Greg, will be hearing from Russ soon. The videos will confirm the results, no excuses from anyone please, winner gets bragging rights, results will be what they are. And life will continue. I wish I could be there to watch, as I appreciate BOTH cars.