Again, you are making this assumption that everyone wants to 'make themselves feel better' because they can't afford it. You say that repeatedly. How can you make these assumptions?

WHY would you make these assumptions is a better question.
The thread is asking for opinions from people who DIDN'T buy the car, so they naturally 'don't have any experience'. Whether you agree or disagree with their statements or not, that is perfectly fine, and rebuttal is welcome, without the personal commentary.
Pretty sure that the thread wants to hear from people who actually have the means to buy the car, but chose not to in lieu of another car.
People who complain about price automatically relegate themselves to the "can't afford it now, probably never will" camp.
People who complain about pointless stuff like "I heard the viper uses window switches from a mini van" or highlight "plastic grill inserts" as if no other 6-figure car uses plastic anywhere are full of ****.
Your decision to buy or not buy will not come down to the material of the grill inserts or usage of off-the-shelf parts where proprietary parts would provide no benefit.
So I stand by my statements. The fact of the matter is that there is nothing wrong with the Gen V functionally or technically, and aesthetically it's a win in the opinions of most people. The Gen 5 doesn't have any critical defects or shortcomings - SRT did a great job in making sure the car was close to perfect as possible.
The most legitimate gripe is that it is bit small inside which could be a problem for tall or really fat people. That's really the only thing "wrong" with the car that might be a dealbreaker, because if you can't fit in the car you can't drive it.
The only other "complaint" I hear can be summarized as people who don't understand what the Viper is, can't handle it, and then cry for it to become something it's not...declaring it to be "crap" because it's not like some other car.
The Viper is it's own car. It has it's own character. If this appeals to you, buy the car. If you want what another car has - get the other car.
- It's not an AWD with a computer nanny - you need to learn to drive.
- It doesn't need a DCT to be competitive - you need to learn to shift.
- It doesn't need a supercharger or turbo - it has more than enough power to hang with or beat the best in its class, and beyond.
You are welcome to continue bringing up these contrived "problems" and I'll be sure to smack them down in kind. If you are seriously considering buying the car and you have no experience with it, you should be asking questions.