look at the gaps above the headlights. Candy apple paint is hard to apply. Look at the "stripes" on the hood. That is the overlap where the candy clear was layed to heavy.
Re: Dan\'s Auto gets 1st and 3rd at Carlisle and we find a Swiss Viper owner!
an FYI Roger is the one that modified the [******] fascia I had, intergrated a splitter and molded in a scoop underneth as my innercooler is blocking so much airflow.
run the VIN thru your states DMV to make sure there is no leins or salvage history. Even thought the title is clean your state may have issues you will not know about until you got to registar it
Where are the girls!!!! I thought we were waiting for photos with girls! Damn do I have to bring down some strippers for Carlisle to get proper photos?
I am not so sure about detonation. I think he would have damaged pistons if detonation was the cause. The plugs certantly got hot, hence my question about timing. If you retard it too much you will burn the electrode off.
Re: I can\'t believe I purchased a 94\' RT/10!
probably want to retorq the head and intake gaskets as well. You will probbably be replacing them soon., but if you retorq them you may prolong the inevitable.
Re: Sneak Peak at Redenuff93\'s Diamondback Viper
I will say that this hood is one of the best pcs of ahnd made aftermarket fiberglass I have ever used. It beats the Elite hood 100% It is reinforced like the stock hood underneth. It was very smooth (not wavy) and only needed minor prep work...
Re: Lee Dove\'s Venom 600 for sale, Am I paying too much?
Lee is a good guy, I am sure he took car of this car. BUT it was run hard those 50K miles. Plenty of 1/4 mile runs.
you need to put a scan tool and watch the outputs. Could be alot of things, air idle control is what I suspect. Chuck is the man, but with out looking at the values no one can tell you what the issue is. As far as pumping the gas, turn the pump handle upside down and dont give it full...
That is what I was saying before about a little oil film is normal, however blow by is not good. Jamie I am about 2 hrs north of you I am coming down for Carlisie, I plan to camp out at Ed's for a couple days if you can wait unil then. Turbos will give more crank case pressure and should have...
yep I agree, turbo seal. 1/2 teaspoon is not alot to worry about. I have a light film on mine, but not a measureable qty. Arent these new turbo's? If they are Turbonetics they have a 1 yr warrenty. I would first see if you have a restictor in line. Thurbos do not need a lot of oil, ant...
I agrre on theory-but did you ever own a turbo car? A little oil is norma, you are correct if you can see oil buring then you have problems, no such thing as white smoke for a headgasket-it would be white steam and smell very sweet. Smoke is from buring and will only be oil or gas.
Boston makes a nice 6" componet system, Lauire (Redenf93) has these in his car, sounds great. I have Visconic 6" midbass's in mine (good speaker for the $, but needs at least a 100 Watt amp to drive them) I am not to sure about subs with out a good enclosure, they will just rattle alot.
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