Nice runs!
Definitely some smooth clutch engagement off the line. Any idea what RPM(approx.) you were leaving at?
I started at 3,000 rpm but sometimes would climb to 4500-5000 rpm. I really thought the clutch would give up, but these stock clutches are fantastic. Drove about 100 miles today and smooth consistent engagement. After Dallas Performance drained and put new fluid in the clutch reservoir, I haven't had any issues with the clutch engagement point changing (like some other gen iv owners have complained about).
Thanks Tiago!!
Wow 560 rwhp is sick! That's over 650 hp to the crank

Definitely not your average gen 4!! Congrats
I did a hard break-in (just like every other new car I've ever owned) and they always dyno strong, and don't have any issues with burning oil. There are a few other stock Vipers running around, making some good dyno numbers!
Air temps, tire pressures, etc ?
and shift points. Seems awful quick shift for stock gears.
I'm not doubting in any way, just wonderin' what RPM you shift at. Great passes.
Track Elevation: 500 ft
Air Temperature: 41.0 F
Barometric Pressure: 30.33 in Hg
Relative Humidty:81%
Gives a -966 DA
Tire pressure was about 22.5 psi I believe. I shifted at redline each time. I was looking to put 3.55's in, but Mark Jorgensen was saying that it's almost impossible to pull an 08 differential apart after some miles (and mine has over 30,000) so that idea was quickly nixed. 3.55's would be nice though!
Great driving! Congrats on your time. I wish you had done it on ps-2s but a great accomplishment nevertheless.
Yeah, I like the PS2's, but for $400 cheaper, it's hard to not go with the Invo's, especially since my PS2's only lasted 11,000 miles.
Congrats bud! I think the blue w/ white stripes is the reason it runs so well.
I spoke with Evan Smith yesterday at SEMA here in Vegas. He seemed to move around quite well, despite having a grown man hanging on his *******. LOL
I mentioned 1BADGTS to Evan, he didn't know who I was talking about. Sad when your biggest fan is unknown
Thanks Tony! Blue w/white stripes is definitely one of the fastest colors