Rick, my agenda today is the same one that I applied the First Day I agreed to help launch the VIPER CLUB OF AMERICA, that is to provide a place for VIPER CLUB members to interact, learn more about Viper, use their Viper and have fun. My concerns and efforts are directed at keeping these initial goals alive, while helping in any way asked, and to see the Club grow. I don't have an "agenda", but I have made recommendations as to what I view will get serious and not serious consideration. This group can decide for themselves if they want that opinion. Whatever way they want to present is the choice of the group, not mine. If you do not want my help then tell me to F-off and you got it, makes no difference to me. There are much bigger fish to fry than to put an effort into getting this project done. And if you want to throw around numbers, you are basing your so called poll of what people want on less than 2% of the VCA population.